Plunny (ARGH)

Dec 12, 2006 23:08

The Doctor Who plunny that I was talking about a few hours ago? Yeah, that's evolved.

Here are my notes so far:

- Who's the Organization member here?
Probably Saix, because he'd probably control Dalek Heartless better than anybody else. (Let's face it, Demyx ain't gonna work here. XD)
- How are the Daleks and everybody involved?
Well, Saix sees the Dalek's destructive power, brings Heartless, and has them create Dalek Heartless, which he can then control. Unfortunately, these Dalek Heartless have the same weaknesses as other Heartless - the Keyblade.
Of course, the Daleks are furious about this "corruption" of their comrades, so they're immediately against the Organization. They're against Sora and co. because they're not Daleks. They're against the Doctor for very obvious reasons.

What don't I have so far?
- A world
Well, this should be easy. I could always make up a planet, or I could use something either already in the series or mentioned there.
- A reason the Doctor and Rose, Sora and co, the Daleks, and the Organization are all on that world at the same time.
...oh hell. Let's see...the Daleks are there to EX-TER-MIN-ATE. Saix is passing through, sees them, and once he sees there're living things inside that armor, he decides he wants some nearly unstoppable Heartless. Sora and co. see the Heartless problem in the world and land to take care of it. The Doctor and Rose show up for some other reason (don't they often show up for touristy things and find something's wrong? That seems to work well) and end up getting involved, as usual.
- A reason the Daleks are still alive
...oh more hell. Maybe it's a pocket the Doctor didn't know about? I mean, they survived once...

Random notes/scenes
- "This shouldn't be happening."
"What?" Sora spared a glance from the oncoming Dalek horde to look at the Doctor. "What do you mean by that?"
"Just what I said. This shouldn't be happening," the Doctor replied shortly. "The Dalek don't have hearts. Not like everybody else, at least."
- I want a scene where the Doctor is trying to unlock a door with the sonic screwdriver, and Sora beats him to it with the Keyblade.
- I also want a moment where Rose just kind of goes, "they're Disney characters." guess what I'm doing over Christmas break.

- 15 KH song drabbles
- Crosshairs
- This new crossover (which still needs a title)

Egads. I really need to start writing again. XD;

doctor who, khii, writing

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