Secret Valentines!

Feb 03, 2012 22:26

You've heard of Secret Santas? These are Secret Valentines, because receiving packages is all sorts of fun and I figured everyone could use flowers or chocolate or coffee or tea or something nice along those lines.

So! If you'd like to participate, comment here - comments are screened - leave your name, mailing address, and what you like (a certain type of tea or coffee or chocolate, for example - give me some idea) and on Monday or Tuesday I will tell everyone who their secret Valentine is and you can send them what they'd like.

Basically, gift giving in February! Because we can!

Those of you seeing this post on LJ, I have no idea if comments will be screened, so if you want to participate, trundle on over to DW and comment there with an open ID.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.


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