So there's this thing called a LJ, and apparently I have one in which I'm not actually pretending to be a fictional character. OR AM I
I really ought to update this more often, huh.
Life has gone insane! Also, I tend to spam Plurk with my odd little one-off thoughts, which means my Plurk gets spammed all the time, since I tend to think almost exclusively in odd little one-offs. Both of these would pretty much explain why I've been scarce, at least in this neck of the woods.
itsjustagamerp has been open for a few weeks now, and I love everyone and everything in it. Pinkie Pie playing radioactive soup, Tom Servo running an ill-fated D&D session, Aqua getting jealous over the attention Minako is paying Terra, the epic pun-off at Kaldur, and everything that could possibly go wrong in Terra and Linkara's reluctantly budding friendship going, of course, horribly wrong have all just made this game fantastic, and that is the tip of the iceberg.
I'm way behind on
secondcityrpg, or at least it feels that way. Maybe I'm just way behind on Jason tags, which happens more often than I'd really like to admit. Rarity might be riding a dragon into battle, which is hilarious and head-tiltingly odd all at once, and Linkara is being Linkara. work. We've tried to space projects out, but given unexpected delays, they're all raining on us at once, which is going to make this week all sorts of interesting. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for one, though - depending on what shows up in my inbox tomorrow morning, that is either the way out or an oncoming train. It pretty much remains to be seen.
My resolution to finish fics before NaNo is going slowly. I only have one chapter of bitty!Terra left, but I also want to finish the Tron fic, and that is giving me creative problems (basically, I still can't write fight scenes or intros, what else is new). I need to attack it when I'm not bushed, exceedingly busy, or burnt out from other things. basically, sometime next year. |Db
There is probably a lot more that should go into this, but I can't think of it right now. Instead, have an awesome gif.
/bows out