Been a while since I've had fic up, huh

Apr 05, 2011 12:46

I've had these written since my Colorado excursion - I just haven't been incredibly happy with them. I'm posting them anyway because 1) I'm tired of the fic drought; 2) Disneyland is fun no matter what; and 3) pretty sure you guys will enjoy them anyway. Each one gets a video preface, because if you haven't been to Disneyland then these won't make a ton of sense. |Db

Without further ado, I present the next two installments of Take Two Grown-Ups.


(Embedding disabled by request. TO YOUTUBE!)

They'd been told by another visitor that a long line meant an attraction was popular and therefore good.

They'd been told by an employee - cast members, she'd heard them called - that the line for this particular ride was abnormally short and they'd better hurry before it got long again.

Nobody had told them that the ride itself was pitch black.

"It's just like traveling the Lanes Between, right?" Ven, seated in front of her, asked nervously. The video had said this was a "turbulent, high speed ride with sudden drops and stops," but that hadn't really told them anything.

"Not really." Next to Ven, Terra tested his lap bar. "In the Lanes Between, I'm in control of my ride. This..." Not so much.

"Calm down, you two," Aqua interjected. "I'm sure it'll be fine." The music of the ride shifted, the voiceover counting down numbers.


"Hey," Ven said thoughtfully, "you think that countdown's accurate?"

Aqua didn't have time to answer - she (and both the boys, although they'd deny their shock later - at least until the ride pictures provided undeniable proof) was too busy screaming in surprise and then delight at the coaster's first drop and subsequent twists and turns.

Turned out the countdown had been accurate after all.


(Embedding's not disabled on either video, but embedding them both looks clunky. TO YOUTUBE!)

Aqua and Ven assured him that they'd stop laughing at the face he'd unintentionally made for the camera on Space Mountain. Eventually.

Eventually wasn't soon enough for Terra, and he'd suggested the first thing that had caught his eye - an attraction poster with the letters EO emblazoned across the top. Ven and Aqua had readily agreed, and they'd received their plastic yellow glasses at the door and headed on into the theater, glad for a chance to sit.

Twenty minutes later, wide-eyed and slightly cross-eyed (those glasses were weird), they wandered out.

There was a brief silence.

"That was interesting," Aqua offered.

"I liked it," Ven grinned, turning around and perfectly imitating that backwards sliding walk that had made the audience cheer when EO had done it onscreen. He waited until Terra and Aqua were smiling too - didn't take long - before turning his grin on the few people who'd stopped to watch is imitation. They laughed and walked away, and he stopped, attention back on his friends. "Do you think music can really do that? The lasers and everything?"

"I don't see why not," Aqua replied. "They do say music has a magic of its own."

"I'll believe it," Terra added thoughtfully, looking surprised when his friends fixed him with questioning looks. "Did either of you ever meet Experiment 626?" He mimed playing an instrument.

"Oh yeah!" Ven's face lit up with recognition and he joined in, strumming his invisible ukelele right alongside Terra.

Aqua just smiled, happy to see her boys so relaxed, until - "C'mon, Aqua! You met him too, didn't you?"

"Yes," she admitted, joining in the silent concert with a growing smile. Not caring who saw or what they thought, they played and played, until they caught each other's eyes and collapsed into laughter, leaning against one another for support and sharing a smile. Terra and Aqua both reached out, trying to ruffle Ven's hair at the same time and bursting into renewed laughter as their hands collided.

It was Ven who pulled himself together first, facing them with a grin. "C'mon! Let's see what else is here."

Exchanging one last smile, Terra and Aqua followed him off, eager to see what else this world had to offer.

video, kh, writing, disneyland

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