Jan 31, 2011 01:25

Does anyone want small fic or mini fanmixes? Anyone? Bueller?

After a week of putting nothing up but fic (and with the full intention to do the same, albeit with hopefully more sleep thrown in there somewhere), I've finally come back to put up life updates.

...nothing much has happened, really. |D

Well, okay, that's not strictly true. I've decided to go full-time at Relate, the company where I've been temping for the past month (and yes, it has been that long, holy cow). I didn't ever hear back from that other interview to begin with, and even if I had, I've been doing a good deal of thinking and realized it wasn't the smartest of plans to ditch a position I was used to and quite liked for something that might be good that I might like. Of course, that still means hauling my rear to Camarillo five days a week, but it's a beautiful drive and thirty minutes of daydreaming or outlining or just singing along to the radio, and that's not a bad way to start the day.

Honestly, not a ton has been going on. I've been working a lot, and I'm not sure how much of that I can talk about, since I'm not sure how much is covered by NDAs. It's work, and work is good.

Thanks to living with two movie aficionados, I've been seeing a few lately. If you like your superhero movies trope-subverting and irreverent, Green Hornet is worth seeing. If you like your romcoms snarky and relatively true-to-life and don't mind them being about people having lots and lots of (rather tastefully done!) sex, No Strings Attached is worth seeing. If you have a brain in your head or are capable of thought in any capacity, The Social Network is worth seeing. Yes, I know I'm late to that party. Yes, I know it tastes vaguely of Oscar Bait. No, I don't care. It's fantastic.

The RP front has been pretty eventful lately, what with Holy Grail shenanigans and getting the plot Linkara's tangled up in up and running and potentially figuring out a way for Keyblade!Linkara to happen (any time a plot idea makes me cackle madly, I take it as a good sign). There's also a thread up for Levitas that I need to get into - it might be time for a canon review for him, since my brain seems to be running on either bitty Keyblade wielder or snarky internet review most times. Also, there's a Mechakara on dear_mun that poked me on AIM tonight. She wants to join Second City. I am just about beside myself with glee on this one.

I really should have some clever segue or something here, but I'm bushed and need to work tomorrow, so I'll just ask: does anyone local have anything planned for the Super Bowl? Turns out one roomie is working and the other got invited to a party with work colleagues, so I'm on my own. If anyone doesn't mind me crashing their fun, or if anyone wants to come over, I will provide food either way. |Db

rp, job, second city, paixao, movie

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