Jan 02, 2011 01:18

So, anyone remember that AMV I made a few months ago? The one I marathoned one weekend in September and sent to a few con AMV competitions in the vague hope that one of them might contact me back?

I just found out that Anime Los Angeles is showing my AMV in their competition.

...it's been a few hours since that revelation and I'm still grinning and squeeing and generally making an idiot of myself over it.

So, if anyone's in the LA area and free on Saturday the 8th, wanna come to one day of a con with me to watch me have a minor brain explosion (for multiple reasons) when they show my video on the big screen in front of lots of people?

I mean, if all else fails, the opportunity for Kia-inspired schadenfreude is fantastic.

wow, video, whut, i don't know how to deal with this, con

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