Everyone go to YouTube and look up Sassy Gay Friend. Like, now. Othello is my favorite, but Hamlet and the Giving Tree are both pretty awesome as well. Seriously, go.
Well, it's time for the Bad, the Good, and the Buh? in Kia's life.
The Bad goes first because, while it's intensely frustrating, it's also quite minor in the scheme of things. I was one of the multitudes who rolled their rears out of bed at obscene hours of the morning - 5:45 AM for me - to get online to buy Comic Con passes. This was the second date - the website selling tickets on November 1st, the original date, suffered massive failure, so the sale date was delayed.
enna_xor put it, you'd think in three weeks Comic Con would've done something other than design new error messages. I got nine unique messages and multiple instances of each - hell, I took screen caps. Gotta collect 'em all, right?
At 8:30, Comic Con finally posted an announcement: registration was once again closed due to - say it with me, now - massive site failure. We get to wait another few weeks for round three and the desperate, utterly frustrated hope that maybe Comic Con will have their act together in time for those of us who want tickets to actually get them.
So yeah, it's been fun. I also waxed overly melodramatic about that one, huh. XD
Also, I am never going anon again. I tend to fail at it. And that is all I'm saying about that. 8D
The Good! I turned in my paperwork at Hickory Farms and got a few minutes of training. It's going to be a very low-key, almost mindless job, but my manager is pretty cool and it's not a bad place to be...which is to say, it's right next to the big seasonal Nintendo display. Yes, please. :D
Also! After my third session of training for Brighton, I have decided that I am going to seriously love this job. It's a good application of my server skills, I am falling in love with the product (everything is just so shiny OMW), and the people are absolutely fantastic. I have a lot to learn about the product and our policies and everything, but I'm honestly looking forward to it. This should be fun. :D
Also, my friends are awesome and will never not be awesome. This goes for the lot of you. ♥
The Buh? can be summed up in a single sentence: Why, now that I've gotten two (albeit seasonal) positions, have people only just now started finding my resume on Career Builder and calling me about positions?
Yeah, I don't get it. \O_o/
So yes! Those are the life and times of Kia. Tomorrow, I fly home until Sunday. Should be interesting, but interesting can be fun. |Db
...okay I couldn't resist. A bit NWS for language, but still amazing.
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