Points for guessing where the icon is from. XDb

Oct 31, 2010 23:00

I love Halloween, guys. Seriously. I am the biggest wuss on the planet, which kind of defeats a lot of the point, but I love dressing up. Candy's also a perk. So yeah, I love this holiday.

That's probably why I celebrated it three times this year. :Db

On Friday night, I'd found a place called Villain's Tavern in LA that was doing a Dark Carnival theme. They promised face painting, tarot readings (which now kind of freak me out...thank you, Facilier), live music, cocktails, the works. amorsinseramada and I Super Suited Up, grabbed Kristin, and went off on the 101 to see how it looked.

It was, unfortunately, a complete bust. It was small and a bit dingy (and not in the nicest part of town, let's be honest here) and all the stuff they'd hyped up in the ad was...well, a letdown. There weren't many people there either - Kristin said that's because we arrived at 9:30 and stuff doesn't really start until 11 - but as I pointed out, if people showed up, it'd be small, a bit dingy, and crowded. So we left, and headed to Sunset Boulevard. We couldn't get into the House of Blues, so we eventually wound up at Saddle Ranch, a western bar and restaurant with a mechanical bull and a bartender with a fantastic sense of humor. Kristin and Megan rode the bull - I did not, because someone had to take video and because I knew I'd rip my slacks if I got up there. We have promised to go back, if only to make sure I get to ride the bull while in jeans. It will happen. Yee-haw.

We each had a goal Friday. Megan's was to ride the bull (challenge accomplished). Kristin's was to introduce one of us with the How I Met Your Mother "haaaaaave you met [name]?" line. Mine was either to get a guy to buy me a drink or to have someone recognize "Super Suit Up" without prompting. Kristin had been admiring a guy halfway across the room the entire night. Two hours after we arrived, while we were sitting at the bar, he showed up next to me and ordered a drink. Without skipping a beat, I tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me: haaaaaave you met Kristin?" I then got out of the way.

That shit works, man. I could not have been more surprised.

They talked for another hour and a half. He wound up buying both of us drinks. I accomplished my challenge and Kristin's. Good times, man. Megan also had a good time - got a British guy's number and chatted with him at the bar for a few hours. It was really a great night. XDb

Saturday night, Kristin had other plans, so uk_not_ok came up and Megan and I went out. Because my track record with Halloween plans for the weekend was so stellar, they let me pick our destination again, so we headed down to a place called Maggie's Tavern in Santa Fe Springs. It promised drinks and dancing and door prizes and general Halloween fun times. Megan reprised her costume, I pulled out Xion again, and Caitlin went as Anonymous...so basically we were awesome.

We were also gigantic derps.

Boogie. Boogie. BOOGIE.

Being in the Organization is hard freakin' work, man. Some days you just really need a night off and some neon green booze.

I don't know why, but I always love how these ice cream pictures turn out. They're just awesome.

There was indeed dancing! ...because we started it. Two of the ten or so other people there joined us. Again, there probably wasn't a lot happening because it was 10:30, but the pub was dead, there was no food available, the DJ was playing too loud terrible music - the song that finally got us up was Can't Touch This, and he switched to stupid stuff right after, which meant we didn't dance for long - and there were no specialty cocktails. We gave up after nearly an hour of Nothing Happening and headed up to get caught in traffic Hollywood Boulevard. I wanted to head to the Soda Shop next to El Capitain, but evidently it's not open at midnight. Fancy that. We wound up doing a lot of wandering up and down Hollywood Boulevard, looking at costumes and hoping for someplace to get booze (which didn't work out) and, barring that, someplace to get food. It was pretty low-key, but we had a great time together. Considering I don't get to see Caitlin that often anymore, any time together is good times. :Db

This morning, I rolled my rear out of bed by noon and made it to Disneyland...costumeless, since last time I went to Disneyland on Halloween they wouldn't let you in before the party (which I didn't have tickets to tonight) in costume. Things I learned at Disneyland today:

- Evidently they let you in in costume now. I'll keep that in mind for next year.
- Space Mountain: Ghost Galaxy is a hell of a lot creepier if you're halfway back in the second car and there is quite literally nobody in front of you. They were getting things spaced out, and...yeah. I got caught in the middle somewhere. It was fun, but really weird.
- People love to show off their costumes. Love love love.
- My odds of getting a Kingdom Hearts pin are incredibly slim. There's a whole other culture in pin trading and I've barely begun to skim the surface.
- Jungle Cruise will always be amazing. Our skipper today stopped the cruise and took the cell phone of a girl sitting up front next to him - evidently she was talking on it. I absolutely lost it laughing. That skipper has my admiration forever, man.
- The single rider line for Indy moves really quickly. (Also I finally found the secret Mickey, heeeee)
- Going alone can be fun! I talked with a ton of people I wouldn't have otherwise.
- I love tourists. I mean I really love tourists. They're friendly and social and absolutely hilarious.
- Music can very easily change my mind. I was not planning on going on Soarin', until they played the music for it in the courtyard between parks. Suddenly, I was heading to Soarin'. Funny how these things work. XD
- There are voices in the pipes at Tower of Terror. That is legitimately creepier than anything you see while actually on the ride.
- More cast members know Kingdom Hearts than you'd think! My shirt was recognized by a few of them at Famous Franks, and I could not be more pleased.
- Much as I love all the special stuff, I really do miss Fantasmic.

And of course, there are pictures!

The thought process for this one was, and I quote, "Say hello to daylight! Say goodbye to daylight!"

I have no idea who that guy in the top left is, but I freaking love him.

I no longer take the pictures on Space Mountain seriously. I really, really don't.

I found a Cid! Evidently he had this same costume at Comic Con and wound up on Squenix's page. He and his friend were pretty cool. :D


Man was this kid ever cute *A* He and his mom were actually really cool with me taking his picture, which surprised me. I guess people just trust other people at Disneyland? Either way, I squeed like a crazy person. This just made me so ridiculously happy and also made me wonder how plausible - or implausible - a femme!Terra cosplay would be. WTF, self.

Also: pumpkins!

Look at us and our bad selves. We carved pumpkins on Saturday, so the finer points of mine were wilting just a bit, but they still all look awesome.

Especially lit up. Yeah, baby.

Okay yeah I am really stupidly proud of this, ngl.

We've only had one trick or treater tonight - a four year old girl who, when prompted by her mother, simply looked sad and said, "Candy." - and given that it's 11 pm, I don't think we're getting any more. Still, this weekend was an absolute blast, and I had a fantastic time with people. Successful Halloween? I think so.

yay, cosplay, friends, halloween, pictures, disneyland

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