So. Those drabbles.

Sep 28, 2010 19:58

I got the first drabble down. Of course, by "first" I mean "the first one I wrote." It's by no means the first one chronologically, but it's what I have.

What, me braindead? You betcha. 8D;;;

This is pre-BBS - one in a series of drabbles meant to explain how Aqua and Terra became Eraqus' apprentices. It's unbeta'd, so if anyone has suggestions or corrections, please let me know. Either way, enjoy!


“Hey. Hey, kid.”

The kid bolted awake and to his feet faster than Cid had ever seen, and it was only with a wild and lucky grab that he caught the back of the kid’s overly baggy shirt, stopping the kid short. “Ya wanna explain what you’re doin’ on my ship?”

The kid stopped pulling against his grip and eyed the man over his shoulder, giving Cid the distinct feeling he was being sized up. “I have to find someone,” he replied after a long few seconds, way more serious than a kid his age should be.

“Yeah? Who’s that?”

Another long stare, this one unaccompanied by any answers.

“Uh-huh.” He shook the kid for good measure. “I ain’t takin’ any freeloaders anywhere. Got half a mind to turn around an’ drop you back off.”

That got a reaction. "No!" The kid was just about yelling now, pulling against his shirt and trying to turn around and get a good look at Cid, blue eyes too panicked to be angry. “I’m not going back! I’ll-“ He whipped his head around, frantically looking around the storage room for- for something, Cid couldn’t tell what. “I’ll- I’ll clean or something! I’ll earn my passage! I’m can’t go back!”

Kid really was desperate. “Kid. Kid.” Cid shook him again, this time to get him to stop freaking out. Looked like that worked, at least. “I said I ain’t takin’ freeloaders. You wanna clean, do chores, whatever, you can come.” To get away from the wide-eyed stare he got in reply to that one, he continued, “There’s a broom in the corner. Get started.”

He let go, and the kid bolted again - not for the door this time, but for the corner. Cid shook his head. Like he’d ditch a kid.

Come to think of it, he couldn’t call him Kid all the time. It’d get too confusing if they ran into any other kids or families along the way. “Hold up a minute, kid. You got a name?”

The kid paused and glanced back at him again, panic gone, something else in its place - best Cid could figure was some kind of determination. “My name is Terra.”

He met the kid’s eyes for a few seconds longer. Yeah, determination was the best word for it. “Welcome to the Highwind, Terra.” He gestured grandly at the rather dusty storage room, then turned to head back to the bridge. Over his shoulder, he added, “Now get to work.”

The sound of bristles on hardened gummi blocks followed him up the stairs.


kh, writing

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