For those of you who missed the last entry, I have indeed finished my weekend-eating project.
nalina fixed my audio problems, and the AMV will be up on YouTube sometime this evening. I will definitely be double posting when that happens. If feedback is positive, I may well enter it in convention AMV competitions, just to see how things go.
Now that that's over, I'm trying to get rid of the plot bunnies that have been hounding me. It just never ends, does it. XD
Thanks to my weekend off, I'm way the hell behind in RP. Can anybody tell me if I owe you tags...? I know Linkara's got two and Usopp's got two, but aside from that I can't remember any back tags I need to do. Kia's memory is terrible.
Also, SUPRAIZ!PIRATES is possibly the best development ever. I absolutely love you people. XDb
In a non-RP related note, I have these lovely blank sections on my profile that I need your help filling. You know that one-sentence meme that goes around every once in a while that I have never done and can never find when I need it? Yeah, I'm trying that one, so:
Describe me in a sentence. It can be as serious or silly as you want. In turn, I'll put all those sentences in a section on my profile.
My personal caveat is, please keep it clean. Pretty sure you guys will anyway, but nonetheless. ♥
Finally, that KH 30 Day meme, for which I am several days behind:
5. Favorite Mini Game
You know, I never really made a habit of playing a lot of minigames - I was always too busy going NEEDS MOAR PLOT 8O. That said, I did like mail delivery in Twilight Town, if only because it was quick, to the point, and not tough enough to get utterly frustrating.
Plus, performing a skateboard jump to deliver mail to a pidgeon in midair is never not funny.
6. Favorite Magic Spell
Cure. Oh man is it ever Cure. I feel like that's a bit of a given, but nonetheless. Aside from that bit of obvious, I really liked what I've been calling shotgun spells - they're the ones that shoot a concentrated blast that really flies. In KH1, it was Fire; in KH2, it's Blizzard.
7. Favorite Summon/D-Link
Once again, I pretty well fail the point of the game by not using a whole lot of summons. XD Press X to Kill Things, indeed. I was particularly fond of Genie in KH, though - he was certainly useful against Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
1. Favorite Character
2. Least Favorite Character
3. Favorite Keyblade Design
4. Favorite Song from the games
5. Favorite Mini Game
6. Favorite Magic Spell
7. Favorite Summon/D-Link
8. Favorite World
9. Favorite Team-Up
10. Happiest Scene
11. Saddest Scene
12. Favorite Final Fantasy Cameo
13. Favorite Nobody
14. Favorite Heartless
15. Favorite Unversed
16. Favorite World Form Change
17. Favorite Drive and/or Command Style
18. Most Frustrating Mini Game
19. Least Favorite Boss Battle
20. Favorite Boss Battle
21. Favorite Opening Animation
22. Favorite Pairing
23. Prefered Incarnation of Xehanort
24. Prefered Incarnation of Sora
25. Favorite Birth By Sleep Armor
26. Favorite Princess of Heart
27. Preferred Fighting Style (attack/sword, defense/shield, magic/wand)
28. Final Fantasy character you'd most like to see
29. World/Disney Character you would most like to see
30. Biggest Wish for KH3