Con Report!

Jul 04, 2010 18:05

For starters, I had an absolutely fantastic time at con yesterday. I wanted to go back today and probably would have were it not financially impractical. Next time, I get ready for this sort of thing earlier.

That said: wow what a busy day.

After a good deal of hemming and hawing, I finally decided to go with the Flonne cosplay Jen made for me, except with flats this time, so as not to kill my feet.

I think that went well. :3

Thing is, there were very few people who actually know who I was supposed to be. For every person who went "OMG FLONNE 8D," there were nine people who couldn't answer the question when I asked them if they knew who I was cosplaying. Most of them were guys. Only one of them had the humility to be a bit shamefaced when I called him out on it. Oh, guys.

Also, did I mention there was a giant Prinny? Because THERE WAS A GIANT PRINNY OMG 8D

Man, I'm trying to remember how all my day went. I know it was nuts, and I spent a ton of time in the Dealer's Hall. Note to self: hit the Artist's Alley before the Dealer's Hall next year. Artists tend to have better stuff, or at least they put a lot more effort into what they've got.

Wandering was most of what I did, actually. The only panels I went to were the AMV rescreening and rewards ceremony, an autograph session, and the Zelda panel. I also went to the dance, which was...okay.

The AMV competition was absolutely fantastic, though I find myself incredibly frustrated that I can't find any of the winners on YouTube. There were a couple that went on a bit long, or showcased great editing skills but were boring as all get-out, but for the most part the competition had some fantastic videos. I don't remember what won the drama category, given that I missed it for a Nabeshin autograph session. Action's winner was the first video they showed for the category - a Gurren Lagann video to the Foo Fighter's "The Pretender." I haven't even seen the anime and I'm fairly certain I was very thoroughly spoiled, but man was it good. Comedy category, for the first year, had a disclaimer before it. According to the emcee, the next video "featured a song from a movie that became a musical and then another movie. Anime Expo doesn't support the views shown in this video. On that note, neither does the video's creator. In short, learn to take a joke, people."

The video? Footage from the Conqueror of Shamballa set to "Springtime for Hitler."

Would you believe that wasn't even the winner? The winner was done by Scintilla, I can't even describe it, and he's not uploading it until the 30th. Just. Maaaaaan. (Note to Self: "And Now, A Word from Our Sponsors" by Scintilla and "Spinning Infinity" by Night Hawk. Find them.) The winner to the Professional category was this one:

image Click to view

Can anybody say "distilled creepy?"

Also, there's a very good reason I missed the drama category:

This guy.

Yep. That is Shinichi Watanabe, more commonly known as Nabeshin. The guy who directed Excel Saga. He was doing autographs and taking pictures, so I got him to autograph my DVD and pose with which point he gave his camera to an attendant and asked him to take a picture of us. Yeah. Nabeshin has a picture of me on his camera.

Of course, this is because Nabeshin is likely a dirty old man, but I squeed like a crazy person nonetheless.

Speaking of taking pictures with famous people:

Guys, this is LittleKuriboh. He was at a booth in the Dealer's Hall, signing autographs, selling t-shirts, and doing voices upon request. Only at a con can a net-famous celebrity start off a chain reaction of fifteen or so people screaming "Card games on motorcycles?!" in various inflections and have it be considered normal.

Let's see, I mentioned the Zelda was basically an in-depth look at Skyward Sword, including What GameTrailers Knew Of The Story Thus Far (given that the panel was put on by Game Trailers) and a ton of videos of gameplay and demos. The art style is evidently based off French Impressionists (they gave Cezanne as an example) and is absolutely beautiful. Just. So nice. *A* There were also mentions of the rerelease of Ocarina of Time, which the guy assured us was not a straight rerelease but a "remix" - we're going to have different stuff, starting with a less painful Water Temple. Huzzah for that.

Clubbing is not all it's cracked up to be, even clubbing in cosplay. I love the glowsticks, though.

ALSO I MET WITH AWESOME PEOPLE: charmwitch and, unexpectedly, ananda_jc! Awesome people make for an awesome con. I wouldn't have had near as much fun without them. :Db

As a final note: there are a flipton of people at conventions with Pokewalkers. I connected with around thirty people and now have Sun Stones coming out my ears, I have so many. Good times. XD

After that, I think all I've got left is pictures. There were a ton of Pokemon cosplayers that I saw:

He actually had an awesome costume, with his hands in the Haunter's hands. I was impressed.

FOR YOU, purapea


You'd think Security would break up the fight before it got this far.

I lieked them 8D

Eeveelutions out the wazoo this time. I saw so many Umbreons this time around.

Aww so cute ♥

OMG TOOTHLESS. This girl's costume was awesome.

Creepy Zelda is creepy and very impressive. She got stopped for pictures so much while I was there.

BAHAHAHAHA my life is made. He was pretty awesome, too.

KH cosplayers were a dime a dozen at the con, but these were the only Donald and Goofy cosplayers I've ever seen.

Hello, only other N1 cosplayer at the con, and how are you today?

Femme!Goku and Vegeta. I asked for a picture, they struck this pose, and I absolutely laughed my ass off.



Oh, hey, universejuice and edwardhyde, look what I found:

And for you, jedizero:

Thought you might like that one.

Now how about some nostalgia?


A:TLA cosplayers were also everywhere, but this is the only Cabbage Vendor I've ever seen. He was a smart aleck, too:

Me: Can I take you guys' pictures?
Him: Depends. How much are you paying?
Me: *looooooong stare* Screw you, sir. *turns to Toph* Can I take you guys' pictures?
Him: *laughing*

So then I got this one:



Come on, boys, won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?

The proper reaction when Wario hands you a Bob-omb.

Okay I have a lot more pictures than this and I'm kind of tired of linking them 8D Soooooo I shall present you with a link to the album on my photobucket and show you one last thing: my haul.

Hell yeah I am happy. :D

Bookmarks and pins are the reason I need to hit the Artist's Alley more often. purapea, the Ampharos bookmark and Jolteon pin are yours if you want them. aviekokyre, same for you for the Spinda figurine.

This is the back of that shirt. Yes, it is autographed. Yes, I am happy. :D

SO YES that was the con experience. It was fantastic. :D As a final, very important note:


anime expo, friends, con, pictures

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