Apr 15, 2010 02:28

My week has been nuts. ;;; CALM DOWN, WEEK! STOP THE MADNESS!

Sunday was, of course, fantastic. Time at Disneyland always is, as is dinner at the Blue Bayou. I do want to go to California Adventure again, though - it's been quite a while. Per usual, Space Mountain is fantastic and Captain EO is eighties and awesome. Good times. |D

Monday, my cold came back with a vengeance. I nearly fell asleep standing up in choir and I started shaking in my thesis class, to the point where I couldn't function. Of course, that made for an early night Monday and an email to my internship to get Tuesday off, because I seriously needed that day to recover. This, of course, means Tuesday was low-key, relatively sane, and virtually useless. Lots of sleeping did happen, though, and Dad was here for dinner, which meant Duke's.

And Glee premiered for this half of the season. I love Glee. So much. If you have not yet seen Glee, watch Glee. Glee Glee Glee. 8D

Today was insane. I know I'm working for four hours, but doing the quick half-skim reading that I do for for work for four hours straight is just. Argh. ;;; I was absolutely braindead by the time I was over, and it did not help that my middle appointment rubbed me wrong. He didn't really do anything wrong - he was just the type that I just did not get along with. Argh.

On the upside, there was a dance party tonight! Delta Tau Delta knows how to raise money for teenage rheumatoid arthritis, is all I'm saying. :Db

Also, tonight was Senior Celebration with Gamma Phi, which was pretty much free food and everybody telling everybody else how awesome they are and sharing memories. I love my sisters and they love me, so. Good times indeed. I shall miss them. ;~;

In geekier news, I finally managed to hatch all my eggs (all at once because I am an insane person)and finally got another female Eevee, so if anyone wants one of seven male Eevees with generic Christian male names (John, Jeff, Rory, etc), I shall be more than glad to give one to you. Of course, I hear Jolteons are pretty good, so I might go for one of those and see how things work out. IDK. I also managed to run into Entei and Raikou within twenty minutes and three routes of one another, so yeah. It's been a crazy night.

Oh! Anyone who has a Twitter! I have a favor of sorts to ask of you. I'm running the Twitter for my internship-come-job and it's still in it's beginning stages, so I'm trying to get it off the ground. If you guys wouldn't mind following it, it's going to be a lot of tech news and discussion topics and a bit of advertising, because we sell computer hardware, so if you know someone who's in the market for a TV or a laptop or a game system...well. |Db The Twitter name is eDEXdeals for the interested. Thanks in advance! :Db

And yes, with that I think it's time for bed. Anaheim Comic Con and Choir Concert and Senior Ball and goodness knows what else this weekend. Ahaha good times |Db

Incidentally, does anyone know how to revive writing inspiration? Mine's left me and I really don't want to leave that fic alone.

father, writing, internship, classes, sorority, college, glee, soulsilver, disneyland

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