A little bit of everything

Mar 19, 2010 00:33

First of all, Songfest is ridiculously awesome hell yeah. I need to post a picture of my makeup and costume. There's a reason we start with Thriller. X3

The rest of this is incredibly fannish and full of squee and such. You have been warned.

First of all, lovediamond! I have been fail and a half at tagging and I seriously owe you an apology ;;; I also need to chat you up again, because I have half a tag written and saved and then I totally blanked on what direction we're going with this thread. MY APOLOGIES FOR THE FAAAAAAAAIL [/grovels]

Also, in that direction, I saw a comment in the last anonmeme about how damn difficult it is to play a villain when everybody wants the Good Guys to triumph 100%. I feel like, with Facilier, I can now relate to that sentiment. I mean, I promise not to kill your character unless you want them killed, but come on now, it's a game full of high schoolers. Not everybody is smart enough to resist the guy offering to make your wildest dreams come true. I mean, look at the two I have in the game: J trusts his Music Sense, and Facilier's music is creepy and a half, so he'd be out; Levitas, however, would be suckered in ninety seconds flat. Thing is, I'm not getting a lot of response for Facilier. A big part of it is definitely my recent lack of activity - I will definitely own up to that. The other things is, I have maybe three volunteers and I can't seem to get anyone else interested. I dunno. It might require a different approach, or I might have to work around the "but I don't want my character creeped on even though he has no reason to avoid the Shadow Man" reaction, or maybe both. Either way, planning needs to happen for Facilier.

While we're on the RP front, I'd forgotten how much fun Death can be. I've got to post for him more often, and should I ever get time to read again I really need to do a canon review. Same with Rosette, though I don't think it's my tag there.

So far as jobs go, I'm still working on my I Can Has Cheezburger questions, if anyone's interested in giving me feedback. I think I need lessons in being funny. |D I'm also still on the job search and thinking that I need to write an abstract of my thesis to send out with my resume, since that seems to interest a lot of people. While I'm at it, the thesis needs work too.

On the epic fansquee front, Soul Silver and Princess and the Frog are shipped and should arrive around Monday, which means I'll probably get them Wednesday. Good times there. :D aviekokyre, if it's physically possible to get one in this game, I'm totally taking you up on your offer of a Spinda.

Today's Woot! Shirt is absolutely fantastic. I don't have long to figure out if I can justify spending the money after the aforementioned big purchase, but dang do I want one.

While we're on the subject of things Kia shouldn't spend money on, these necklaces are beautiful and commissionable. Why must everything tempt me so ;~;


On Idol the other night, they had my favorite Idol performing my most-played song in iTunes. Behold the epic:

image Click to view

And for those of you who would also like the epic on their iPods, iTunes was kind enough to put it up. I'd lay really good odds that this cover sells more than all of the Top 12 singles combined.

I do so love it when my fandoms collide, especially when music is involved.

On a totally random note, this pretty much describes my life. It's brilliant in a scary and strange sort of way.

I think that's about it. I need to go crash out so I can be coherent for my internship and another Songfest show, huzzah :D

job, video, music, tv, rp, xavier institute, paixao, songfest

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