This is My Weekly Post of Substance. Bwah.

Oct 25, 2006 00:05

So. Stuff has happened since that last wangsty post.

And I really don't think I'll ever wangst that badly in my LJ again. This is, of course, assuming my life goes well. ^^

So. Numbered List Program, launch!

1) Class stuff.

1a) Harry Potter essays should be back soon. We're really getting into the meat of the course now, so I should be sure to bring my recorder to each session now. ^^

1b) Psych test Monday night. NOT FUN. Got an answer completely bass-ackwards. It was a 10-point answer, too. There goes any potential of an A on that one. Oh well...I think I did well, at least. It didn't suck completely. ^^;

1c) I spaced a choir audition today. CRAP. ><

1d) PoliSci test a week from yesterday. I need to go to a review session and to do the terms. MUST remember this.

1e) AND I have a meeting with the head of the English Department on Thursday. This is to fix the MAJOR SCREW-UP I made earlier this year. GAH.

2) Work stuff.

I may have something to say here after I get back to work tomorrow night. ^^;

3) Sorority stuff.

3a) Sigma Chi Derby Days. Lots of events throughout the week, and I'm trying to get hats from guys. We have to do them favors and such, and they give us their hats at the end of the week if we've impressed them enough. Or if the like us. Or if they want to. Or something. The great part about is, we get to keep the hats. *Now desires a black hat with Sigma Chi on it...because she can*
It has a downside, though. The guys can definitely abuse their influence. I know I'm up against several other girls for every guy I'm after, and I know the guys play that up as much as they can. The most I've done so far is do laundry, with some baking and creative thinking to come. I've heard, however, that a girl went so far as to give a guy a blow job to get his hat.
That last line, folks, is why my LJ no longer updates to my Facebook account.
...but I still want a hat. And I will keep trying.

3b) Pumpkin carving tomorrow. Going. Costume contest tomorrow. Going. Social mixer tomorrow. Not going - I need to work. *sigh* I don't even REMEMBER what we have event-wise the rest of the week - just that I'm probably not going to most of them.

3c) I will, however, be going to the retreat November 4-5. It sounds like a blast, and I REALLY need to learn people's names. There's all of, what, 5 blonde people in Gamma Phi? WHY can't I tell them apart?
...No, that's inaccurate. I can tell them apart. I just can't remember whose name is whose.

4) Other Social Stuff in General.

4a) Trying to go with Maxegn to see Nightmare Before Christmas rerelease in 3D. She wants to go Saturday. I dunno about Saturday, because:

4b) Hanging out with Lynx Saturday. We still need to finalize plans. Maybe we can *all* go to see NBC? That'd be pretty dang cool. ^^

4c) Need to get together with Di again. The gingerbread house is UG-LEEEE and we need to put it out of its misery soon. (And she knows I'm totally cheating on her with Liz. She just knows it.)

4d) Liz and I need to finish that project of ours. I have the supplies, now all she needs to do is complete the design. After we put it together, we're set. It makes me quite happy.
Although if she doesn't finish the design soon, I may just do it all on my own. I suppose that'd work too; however, it would be nowhere near as much fun. ^^;

4e) I should decorate more for Halloween. I still have lights and garland I should put up. On that subject, I hope the box Mom sent gets here soon. I want my cat ears. ^^

4f) I spent nearly three whole hours DDRing tonight for the Sit and Be Fit night for the Hall Cup. I need to do that more often. Heck, maybe we can even tape down the pads so they don't slide like greased monkeys on ice. But I digress. Point: more DDR. :D

And with that, my coherency for the night seems to be shot. I bid you all adieu and thank you for all the fish internet love. Byeeeee~! <3

job, pepperdine, sorority, friends

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