Gallifrey was awesome~
I have no idea when I'll have a full update, tbh. Tomorrow promises to be busy with Disneyworld prep, and I have a lot of pictures and videos to upload. Good times. :Db
I can, however, give you a bulleted list!
- Met Shannon
- Decided not to camp in the Masquerade line
- Tried the con cocktail
- Demo'd the new Doctor Who RPG (tabletop, woo!)
- Went to the Art Show
- Networked!
- Got autograph tickets
- The Dreamland commentary
- Remembered to bring Sharpies with me everywhere
- Remembered my Adipose
- Remembered my camera, fully charged
- Used my camera a metric ton
- Popped into the Liars Panel
- Popped into the 70 Years of Marvel Panel
- Got a flipton of autographs
- Had fun!
- Slept in on Saturday
- Split up with my friends for a good deal of Saturday
- Failed to get driving directions
- Forgot both pajamas and a toothbrush
- Got the Doctor eaten by a large plant
- The pocket watch fiasco
- /looks at bank account and just sobs
STUFF I GOT (Read: the reason I'm sobbing at my bank account):
- Pins: "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock;" "I am not a twitard;" "You're not mating with me, sunshine!"
- The aforementioned Doctor Who tabletop game
- A matching set of dragons with dice prints that shall be framed and hung
- The Fugitive: the first six issues of the ongoing Doctor Who comic written by the fantastic
mrtonylee and gathered together in convenient prereleased book format
- Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf
- A TARDIS phone charm for
orelle_peredhil - that was as close as they got to a keychain I HOPE THIS IS ACCEPTABLE
- A flipton of autographs, to include one by a Mister Paul Cornell for one
ormery - It's on notebook paper because that's all I had at the time I HOPE THIS TOO IS ACCEPTABLE
- Another metric flipton of pictures and video
- ...a pocket watch
- "Every time a vampire sparkles, a kitten loses its wings."
- "Matt Smith likes drawing things with wires and pipes."
- "Stick Doctor Versus Stick Men with Horns!"
- "I crashed the internet with disappointment."
- "Do I have to call Hayley? Because I will call Hayley."
Those are just the quotes I can remember. Three are from Tony, one from his editor, and one from Shannon. I know my roomie and little had some awesome quotes but I just cannot remember them. |D And yes, there's a story behind most if not all of this.
By the way, all the Whovians on my flist? We are totally holding Skype sessions to do this RPG. It is hilarious and awesome. :Db