Gorram I just love this icon

Feb 25, 2010 10:23

You know, if I'd known all my classes were going to be cancelled today, I would've called off work and gone to Disneyland with the rest of the Gallifrey attendees. Such is life, huh. XD I've got con prep to do anyways, so this was likely for the better. Yeeeeeeeayuh I'm stoked about Gallifrey tomorrow. :D

Aside from that, things have been relatively low-key around here. What-If Wednesday definitely ate my brain for a bit there, but I'm getting better. So far as classes and such go, it's been a lot of same-old-same-old. It's a very busy same-old-same-old, what with with a metric ton of reading and Songfest thrown into the mix, but it's still the same.

By the way, if you haven't bought Songfest tickets yet and you want to go, buy them. Saturday night's all but sold out already, and this year's show is going to be epic.

On an entirely different note, because of my internship, I will likely never be able to eat peanut butter again. For the love of all that is holy, guys, if you're going to sell your mouse and/or keyboard to a resale company, please clean it up before you do. That stuff is just gross.

Finally! Con update! For those of you who still don't know yet (and if you don't, where have you been), tomorrow at eleven a.m. my roomie, my little, and I are heading down to LA for Gallifrey One, the local Doctor Who convention. We'll be there all weekend, and there will likely be internet silence from me for the most part - I do have TxtLJ and a Twitter that I can update from my phone, but so far as responding to comments and such go, I'll probably not do much (if anything) until I'm home on Sunday. Internet costs moneys at the hotel, you see. If you need to get ahold of me, text me or dm me on Twitter. I shall return Sunday night or Monday morning with a metric ton of pictures and videos and such other things. :D

For those of you wondering what sort of shenanigans go on at said convention, I have examples from last year:

image Click to view

image Click to view

That is mrtonylee being the emcee and full of awesome in general and yes, he is the guy who signed my comic to Christine. Still not sure how I'm gonna bring that one up. XD

So yes! That will be this weekend, and Disneyworld afterwards. I cannot wait until Spring Break *A*

classes, video, songfest, college, internship, gallifrey

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