Been a long few days, huh. Hey, Flist, ILU all ♥
Disneyland with
lynxgriffin on Monday was a blast~ We got there late, owing to a bit of a late start (because I didn't call off work, haha) and abnormally terrible traffic, but we definitely made a good day of it. The French Corner or French Kitchen or whatever it's called next to Pirates is actually a really good restaurant, so eating in the park more often is definitely a go. Despite a few rides being closed (Matterhorn ;~;) we did quite a bit. Favorite part of the day was in the Haunted Mansion - standing in the ROOM WITH NO WINDOWS AND NO DOORS, MWAHAHAHA, I wound up with a small frightened child holding my hand. Of course, once the lights came back up and she realized she wasn't hanging on to her mom like she'd thought, she was pretty embarrassed and her family will likely never let her live it down, but I thought it was cute.
Also, did anyone know there's a giant arts place near the front entrance? It's got all sorts of concept art for rides and such in it. Totally going to hang out in there for a while when we go back.
Basically, YAY DISNEY 8D
In other news, I'm still not over this cold. I don't sound like the living dead anymore, but I'm still coughing up a lung fairly frequently, which is usually bad kismet. Either that, or my lungs regenerate really fast. Either way, this needs to be gone before Gallifrey.
Which is a week from tomorrow, by the way.
[/insert gigantic fangirly squee here]
I'm going with
travitaemorte, and my little who obviously needs a LJ. This one looks to be an absolute blast. Plus, now I can participate in hotel bar shenanigans. Mmm, shenanigans.
On a related note, what's a polite way of asking someone to fix an autograph? I met one of the guests at Comic Con last year, and he autographed my book to "Christine." He's going to be at Gallifrey again this year, as is the book's author, whom I would also like to have sign it (he's the artist). Is there any way to do this, or is it just going to be awkward as hell no matter what?
Also, what's everyone's opinion of putting
this on a shirt and wearing it to the con? Y/N/M/LOLWUT?
Thus ends yet another disjointed episode of the life and times of Kia. I'll have Tuesday's Randomizer up when Sendspace stops hating me.
And I'm just using this icon because I like it. No other reason. :D