I really need to learn to edit my posts instead of spamming you all into oblivion, huh. XD
FIRST THING: I am teaching a class on the internet!
For porn, porn, porn, yeah I know, get it all out of your systems XD
I volunteered to do my presentation first for my Writing for Technology class, so a week from now I'm going to be giving a thirty-to-forty-minute-long presentation on internet culture, specifically how knowing the culture will help a writer write for and relate to (and possibly understand feedback from) their audience. Those of you who were wondering why I asked for memes the other day, this is it. I'm going to give them a basic rundown of well-known and oft-referenced websites and memes, including:
MyLifeIsAverage yes I have seen MyLifeIsTwilight and if you suggest I show that to the class I reserve the right to stab you through the internets
Tv Tropes
Chuck Norris
liek mudkips
all your base
im in ur base
"...PROFIT!" lists
As well as a list of things to avoid:
/b/ and all other not work safe 4chan boards
two girls one cup
Guess who traumatized herself doing research for her anonymity paper. 8D
So, my wonderful flist, this is where I turn to you: what popular memes and websites have I missed that obviously need to be covered in class? Videos, text, pictures, anything is fair game, so long as it falls under "meme." Also, if anyone has any documentation of these memes going down - screencaps of the April Fool's Day when dA turned everyone's icon to a mudkip, or video of the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends float rickrolling everyone live during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - please link it, because that's the sort of thing that makes a powerpoint awesome. If anyone has anything that needs to be added to the AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE list, let me know that too, but please do not link them. Seriously. Please.
help_haiti evidently has an auction for food products, and I would like to contribute. I can do cookies 8Db I'm not sure cherry bars will ship, since they have frosting, but magic bars, cheesecake cookies, and pumpkin butterscotch cookies should all ship pretty well. GUYS WHAT SHOULD I OFFER
Also! If you're offering something on the auctions, link your thread here! I should like to see and bid on things :Db