Dec 19, 2009 00:11

Lesson of the night: a martini that involves creme liquer and vodka will eventually curdle. Drink it before it becomes alcoholic yogurt.

Not quite sure why I'm still drinking the thing. I might need a spoon soon.

I had some epic and rather embarrassing adventures in cooking today. My task was to make cherry bars (which went off without a hitch) and peppermint fudge. For those of you who have had it, peppermint fudge is melted white chocolate and pounded candy canes mixed together, spread out, allowed to set, and then broken into pieces. It is basically the easiest dessert ever. We usually melt the chocolate in the microwave - heat in small increments and stir in between so it doesn't burn.

I don't know why, but for some reason today I just could not melt chocolate. I don't know if it was because the microwave is having issues (Mom called the repairman and he's coming tomorrow) or if it was because we used Ghiradelli chocolate chips instead of Toll House, but I could not make it work. The first batch somehow wound up with the consistency and smell of cheese - I have no idea how that happened - and the second batch had the consistency of Play-Doh.

I had a lot of fun with the second batch. |D

Peppermint fudge never happened for tonight's party, but Oreo truffles and cherry bars did, and they were both well worth it. :3

Also - and this is completely different - I'm not really having problems with my brother's girlfriend anymore. Something's changed in the few weeks I was back at Pepperdine, namely the fact that she doesn't make me want to break walls with my face anymore. I'm going to try to reserve judgment until I see more of her, which I inevitably will. We'll see how this goes.

And now, it's time to catch up on memes. Huzzah~

Comment and I'll give you three fandoms, for which you must answer these:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

deltashade gave me Doctor Who, Disgaea, and Chrno Crusade, while universejuice gave me Discworld, Elite Beat Agents, and Sonic.

Doctor Who:
What got you into this fandom in the first place? Definitely the House of Fandom. I was over to hang out, and ghettopeach, gaelic_bohemian, and corrielle asked me if I'd seen Doctor Who yet. Past!Freshman!Me innocently replied, "No. What's that?" They proceeded to show me. I have never looked back.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? Depends on how much the new episodes frustrate me. The show's had a habit of doing that lately, I've noticed.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Ooh. Um. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances are awesome, despite the fact that they scared the hell out of just about everyone I've talked to. Christmas Invasion is great, just about anything with Donna in it makes me's easier to rattle off the episodes I don't like, I think.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Not really. |D I'm happier to watch everyone go insane and glee with my small group of friends. I'm no artist and not a prolific writer, so.
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? YES. WE ARE LARGE AND CRAZY AND OF DUBIOUS CANON. JOIN US.

What got you into this fandom in the first place? Jen, playing Laharl, in Paixao. [/wins Clue]
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I'm not in it too much anymore as it is. I think I'll move on eventually.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? First game, hands down. |Db
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Nooooot really. I've got a few drabbles floating around somewhere and I used to RP Flonne, but again not a high level of contribution to this one. I don't really contribute a ton to many of my fandoms anymore.
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? Yes, for we are cracky and semi-serious and lots of fun. :Db

Chrno Crusade:
What got you into this fandom in the first place? My friend Denise, way back in junior year of high school. She lent me the anime, I disowned it after finishing it, then the manga came out a few years later and the changes in storyline got me right back into it.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? Probably move on eventually. Not for a good long while, though.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Volumes 2 and 6, because I am a sucker for backstory, and volume 3 for the epic and utter lulz.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I used to do a ton of fic, but right now I'm RPing Rosette at Paixao. Again, productivity fail.
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? Yes! Just the manga, though. The anime will turn you off of everything forever.

What got you into this fandom in the first place? This one's all ggmoonycrisco's fault. She raved about the books for a while, and I finally went into a bookstore at LAX and picked up Carpe Jugulum. It was confusing as hell to start on, but I did enjoy it. It's also the only book I've ever gone and bought on recommendation without getting it from the library first.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I think I'm in this one for life. It's so damn clever.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Reaper Man is my favorite, hands down, and I am so sad I left it at campus. Lords and Ladies, Feet of Clay, Men at Arms, Going Postal, and Making Money are also right up there.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Nope! Fail contributor. I have one DW/DW crossover fic and I'm RPing DEATH at Paixao.
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? YES. YES YES YES.

Elite Beat Agents:
What got you into this fandom in the first place? universejuice started playing Spin at Daisychain. I started really paying attention around the time the hallucinogenic tea came up, then got really frustrated at the utter lack of backstory in his profile and took even more interest to see if I could pick up context clues. Sarah turned out to be a pretty cool dude, lynxgriffin got the game and eventually let me borrow it, and I was hooked.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I get the feeling I'll be here for a while, but I'm not sure how permanent this one will be.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? The Anthem, hands down. JJF and La La are also pretty awesome, and Canned Heat is growing on me like something deadly and hand-destroying.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? To a point? I have fic that I have yet to link to the one EBA comm LJ sports, and I RP J at XI. I am active - just in small secluded amounts.
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? YES. THE CRACK IS EPIC AND MUSICAL AND AWESOME.

What got you into this fandom in the first place? Oh man, I've been in this one since I was a kid. One of my friends down the street had a Sega console and was into the Sonic games, she passed the interest on to me, I started watching the cartoons - SatAM, and much against my parents' will - and fell out of it for a while after they were cancelled. I was vaguely aware of it until I got to Pepperdine, at which point I met amorsinseramada and fell right back in.
Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I think it'll be a ping-pong fandom - I keep leaving and coming back.
Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? I'm a sucker for the classic games, even though they eat my face on a regular basis.
Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Nope. 8D
Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? Enough people aren't in it already? Sure - just stay out of the creepy bits. :Db

I also ran across one of these in sandsdream's journal, and since I love this type of meme I had to go for it. |Db

Crack Pairings Romance Meme:

Pick 10 characters from as many fandoms as you wish and assign them each a number. Then answer 16 questions. Let the lulz begin.

1. Rosette (Chrno Crusade)
2. Agent J (Elite Beat Agents)
3. Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
4. Luxord (Kingdom Hearts II)
5. Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
6. DEATH (Discworld)
7. Flonne (Disgaea)
8. Agent Foxx (Elite Beat Agents)
9. The Doctor (Doctor Who)
10. The Genie (Aladdin)

001. Describe the children of #3 (Donna) and #7 (Flonne)?:
I am already regretting these numbers. Cute. They also swing from "adorable" to "attitude" and back in the blink of an eye.

002. Describe #5 (Silver) and #1's (Rosette) first kiss:
Drunk as hell.

003. How would #2 (J) react to if #6 (DEATH) is pregnant with #10's (Genie) baby?:
Just another day at the office, I suppose. Maybe a stiff drink afterwards, because that's outside even the Agency's standard of weirdness, not to mention the sheer physical impossibility of it all.

004. How does #8 (Foxx) convince #7 (Flonne) to go with him/her on a date?:
Mention it. In passing. Jokingly. I doubt Flonne needs much convincing to further ~*~True Love~*~

005. Where would #9 (The Doctor) and #6 (DEATH) go for their honeymoon? How is #4 (Luxord) going to sabotage their honeymoon?:
Somewhere not accessable by normal human means, that's for sure (once the Doctor explains to DEATH exactly what a honeymoon is). I have no idea how Luxord might sabotage it, but I know he'd have to be a total moron to do so. Time Lords and anthropomorphic personifications do not seem to like being messed with. |Db

006. #6 (DEATH) is in love with #1 (Rosette). #3 (Donna) confesses his/her love to #6 (DEATH). Whom would #6 (DEATH) pick? Does #8 (Foxx) think s/he made the right choice?:
Seriously why did I put DEATH in the number six spot UM. This would be the perfect time for a get out of jail free card, huh. Can't vouch for whom DEATH would pick...if he ever fell in love...if he ever figured out what the hell love is...but Foxx would say both of them falling in love with DEATH of all...not! an epic mistake.

007. #5 (Silver) and #2 (J) must pretend to be a married couple. Why?:
I have obviously used my get out of jail free card too early. For the good of the mission. Obviously. There will be another stiff drink for J when it's over.

008. #10 (Genie) is moving in with #9 (The Doctor). What do they fight about the most?:
They get along swimmingly for the most part, what with their mutual abilities to prattle on a mile a minute about nothing at all and pull random objects from seemingly nowhere. Things would go better, though, if Genie would just quit trying to decorate the TARDIS console. It's supposed to be functional, not a modern art piece! Plus, that stuff you call modern is outdated. You should really see the thirty-fifth century pieces. Now that's art.

009. How will #4 (Luxord) prove his/her love to #1 (Rosette)?:
I have no idea, but considering that he has no heart, it's probably all an act and Rosette would either shoot him or hightail it in the other direction.

010. #7 (Flonne) and #4 (Luxord). Love at first sight?:
God forbid.

011. What would #2 (J) give #9 (The Doctor) for Valentine's Day?:
Whichever book on technology Foxx recommends.

012. Under what circumstances could #3 (Donna) and #5 (Silver) have a happy end?:
Obviously they both have a knack for defeating large fire monsters, so. Make of that what you will.

013. What would #8 (Foxx) like to change about #10 (Genie)? Does number #10 (Genie) approve?:
Oh, that's easy: she wants him to tone it the hell down. This, of course, will never happen.

014. #2 (J) and #7 (Flonne) are together. Who is more protective of the other?:
Y'know, this one might be cute if it weren't so incredibly pedotastic. That said, they're both the protective sort, but I think J would be more protective, simply because Flonne is both a little kid kind of and a girl. Nevermind the fact that Flonne is better at the actual protecting bit. |Db

015. Who is first going to say "I love you", #1 (Rosette) or #9 (The Doctor)?:
Canonically, the Doctor has issues saying this at all ever. Canonically, they're both stubborn as hell. Rosette would probably be the first to say it period, but I don't know if they'd ever say it to each other, if only because of that whole stubborn issue.

016. Describe #10 (Genie) and #4's (Luxord) perfect romantic outing:
Playing cards. Potentially with martinis.

017. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, #3 (Donna) or #8 (Foxx)? How does bridesmaid/best man #10 (Genie) soothe them?:
I doubt either of them are jittery women, but Genie would doubtlessly try to make them laugh. This might work better with Donna than with Foxx, depending on how ornery the former is being and how stubborn the latter feels.

018. #6 (DEATH) is a secret admirer. What presents will they make the wo/man of their dreams?:
RRRRGH WHY DID I LEAVE REAPER MAN AT PEPPERDINE THIS SCENE IS CANON, GUYS. He gets her the biggest diamond in existence and giant flowers (which I think die) and chocolates and he takes her dancing. It's crazy and awesome. XDb

Well, that was indeed interesting. |Db

Also, my paid account dies in four days. Once it does, would somebody be willing to send me one of those magical certificates so's I can renew it please? :3

doctor who, party, chrno crusade, eba, sonic, discworld, memes, family, fandom

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