Lit Theory final in...three hours. Should be interesting, to say the least. At least it's only 15% of my grade, unlike the 40% that was the giant paper of death last week.
Incidentally, I hope people are not still holding things hostage over that paper. *slooooooow eyebrow* ...nah, y'all know I love you. |D
Word to the wise: if you intend to use your iPod for three hours, make sure it's charged first. I'm staring at the little sliver of battery mine has left and just hoping. |D
MY WOOT SHIRT HAS A HOLE IN IT D: That awesome Night Owl shirt that I got from the Random Shirt sale? Quarter-sized hole in the seam. I emailed Woot my problem and my size, and they're going to send me another random shirt. I suppose this means I take Night Owl home and take a needle and thread to it. Of course, from the glass-half-full viewpoint, I got two shirts for seven bucks. I am still saddened about the hole, though. >:
My other two shirts did come in, though, just in time for me to wash them and wear them at home over Christmas break. Given they are Christmas shirts, I figured this was an awesome thing. :Db
And I cannot bloody wait for RiffTrax tonight. Hopefully I can get a good amount of packing done before then.
nalina is having a:
GIANT CHRISTMAS SALE OF AWESOME! Know someone who loves art or freaking fantastic jewelry? Check this sale out!
nalina makes all sorts of awesome and beautiful stuffs - I've bought several pieces from her and they get compliments every time I wear them. Very high quality, very good pricing, very pretty. :3 Go check it out!