This is what happens when I can't concentrate

Dec 08, 2009 23:18

Tonight was going to be paper night! Then again, last night was going to be paper night too, and I wound up epically distracted. As much fun as that was (and it was so much fun), I think I might be in trouble so far as papering goes, since twelve hours of work tomorrow will not lend itself well to an all-nighter and I am just out of it tonight. Concentration is not exactly happening.

Who knows? Maybe paper night will still happen. Stranger things have gone down on this campus.

I refuse to stick my head out the window and call for healp, though. It's forty-five degrees out there and my room is cold enough as it is.

Halfway through those previous sentences, iTunes pulled up JJF. I'm telling you, it's freaking psychic. It just. Is. Jeebus.

...I was going to go on about my weekend and the past couple days and generally be a timewasting dork, but I just got the motivation to work on my paper. I will never doubt the dancing men in suits again.

whut, homework, eba

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