Nov 28, 2009 23:07

I feel as though I need to preface this, so here's the preface:

I love coming home, even if I get less sleep here than I do at Pepperdine - a result of me being a night owl and my parents being early birds. I love my family, and spending time with them. I love my parents. I love my brothers.

I cannot stand my brother's girlfriend.

Her name's Rachel and she's been dating him for two years, not counting the "intermission" when we thought they'd broken up for good. She's younger than I am by about a year, which weirds the hell out of me. She dropped out of college and quit her job at Red Lobster, where she makes more in a shift than I make at On the Border in a week, because she "didn't like it." In this economy. Yeah. She can be standoffish and immature and she brings out the absolute worst in Ryan, my older brother who is unfortunately dating her.

I mean, this is the girl who will come over for dinner and not say a word that's not whispered/giggled/tittered to Ryan, then complain to him later that we "never tried to talk to her." If any of you have met my mother, you know she is incredibly social with whoever her kids bring home. She treats them like family and includes them in conversation as best she can. Rachel saying she's not included is just damn stupid. I think part of the reason I don't like her is because I don't know her. Neither do any of the rest of my family. Ryan, of course, always takes her side. He's kind of blind when he's dating someone, even if they're flat crazy. It's why he dated Anna for so long, although she got so bad that by the end even he recognized that she was batshit. We were all calling her Crazy Anna by the end, and we still do.

It says something that, whenever I think of Rachel, my mind immediately goes "Anna- wait no different name." I've nearly typed Anna three times already when I meant Rachel. Gigantic repeated Freudian slip what. Every time I accidentally type Anna instead of Rachel, I'm striking it out. Let's see how many times I do this.

I suppose I should lay some of this out in a coherent manner, yes? Let's just chat about Anna Rachel's goings-on since I've been home.

She's gotten angry that we didn't invite her to Patrick's birthday dinner last night. Patrick is my little brother. It was kind of a family affair.

She's gotten angry that we didn't invite her on our family vacation to Hawaii over Christmas break. What.

Supposedly, Ryan hasn't been hanging out with her as much as of late, which made us happy...until Anna Rachel called him last night at 1:30 a.m., saying she'd been at a party and was drunk and could not get home because her ride had left and could he please come get her. After most everyone in the house is asleep. He goes to Mom and Dad, wakes them up, tells them where he's going, and leaves. He stays with her and doesn't come back until 7:30 in the morning. In the meantime, Mom and Dad, who are light sleepers and have trouble crashing out once woken up, never go back to sleep. Today was nap day, it seems.

Tonight, we went to the Air Force basketball game (We won! Despite terrible referees, but what do you expect from the Mountain West conference, really). Anna Rachel got a ticket with Ryan, so she could come with. When she came over to the house beforehand, Mom invited her to come sit with everyone in the family room. She refused. A few minutes later, Mom tried again. Another refusal. This, unfortunately, was when Mom called her Christal - Ryan's pre-AnnaRachel girlfriend whom we all liked and who was good for him. Mom didn't even realize she'd done it until Dad looked at her, and then it was repeated apologies and Rachel retreating. Not a good thing for Mom to do by any means, though I will admit I laughed my ass off upstairs and admitted to Mom that I keep mentally referring to her as Anna.

Rachel woes at Ryan and doesn't want to come to the game. Ryan decides not to come. Now, they have tickets that one of the players got for them, and if those tickets go unused, the player who reserved them gets in trouble, so here Rachel's indirectly getting Mike in trouble, and dammit all I like Mike a hell of a lot more than I like her. Finally, they decide to come, though they don't stay for the entire game. When we get back home after the game, Ryan's not there. When he comes in - which I missed - he evidently told Mom and Dad he was going to go to church with us tomorrow and then leave right afterwards to go stay at Rachel's house for three days.

I don't leave until afternoon. Mass is over at nine. Chopped liver, much?

Obviously my parents disagreed with this plan, so there was lovely fallout and grumping at one another and my last night here, which I wanted to spend Brawling with my brothers, instead has Ryan pouting in his room, Patrick downstairs with a few friends over (which I don't mind - I like his friends), and me up here ranting in my LJ and packing in solitude. Not really how I wanted to do things.

So yes. I do love my older brother, but ninety percent of the time his choice in women sucks.

On a somewhat related note, I'll be back in Malibu tomorrow. YAY PAPER MARATHONS |Db

argh, family, romance fail, home

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