I knew that procrastinating was going to come back and bite me in the ass if I did it, yet here I am after a three day weekend and nearly five hours after class with no work done and teeth marks in my rear and I'm still not working. Lit Theory reading looks to be just like Rhetoric reading: long and very slow going. Does anyone know of any good LPs I can put on while I read? Since evidently those work pretty well. Sonic 2006 got me through Rhetoric, and I'm looking for another Pokecapn et al LP to get me through Lit Theory.
...wonder if anyone's ever done a LP of Elite Beat Agents. Can't imagine it'd be too coherent.
Rosette: On the Threshold going exploring with Spin and Harry and Celes and whoever else is in that thread. Teaching Freudia (and, by proxy, Kang) to shoot was a new experience. She also has the Tetragrammation gun - y'know, the one that causes
big freakin' explosions - back in hand. She could not be more pleased...even if she's not healed yet. Um. |D
Flonne: Also on the Threshold, probably healing everyone she can and trying to cheer everyone up and being attached at the hip to Laharl (who probably doesn't appreciate the cheering but his angel's intact and alright so he can just suck it up) and Etna (who is obviously enjoying Laharl's discomfort). I figure she's managing to heal about six people before she gets @_@ and has to go find a corner and lie down for a while.
Foxx: She is so freaking torked that she got tranq'd last night I can't even tell you. Thank goodness for Larsa and the crystal. As it is, she's going to head to the weapons storage, using her Music sense as peopledar and making CR outside her own canon, gasp. I have no idea what's going to happen in that thread, though I wouldn't be surprised if she got powerbombed. That's five hours of being irked that she's virtually useless, though it'll be worth it if she gets her laptop back.
J: Jeez when did this man get so busy. Guard shift with Raiel (at four in the morning because he's nuts), reunion with Pearl so he can actually see the girl when she's sane, and I want to go for a subthread with Starr because I honestly think the man deserves something after yesterday and considering what he's got planned for today and it's Starr and he's still trying to figure out why the hell she's on this boat instead of back home. Oi. He's also going to go in the exploring the ship party, which will make it near the bridge at some point and will likely be attacked/bounced off teleshields/powerbombed like whoa. Considering J's Music sense has been what's defined him from day one, that's going to be five or six hours of his own personal hell,especially since he has no idea if it's permanent or not. GOOD TIMES FOR THIS AGENT, HUH.
So that's two pleased characters, one linefacing at me, and one refusing to play until he stops getting so abused and who will have to be repeatedly punted in order to post. Whee~
1. Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post including this info and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending circle of icon glee!
Sarah (
universejuice) gave me these six:
Human Metronome
The caption explains it all, actually. XD Plus, there's nothing funnier than the Doctor (even though I know he's not the Doctor in this footage sh'up) going :D :O :D back and forth. This tends to be my WHEEEEEEEEE icon.
Oh I love this icon. Anybody remember beating France at the 4x100 at the Beijing Olympics? This was the victory shot. Definitely a WIN AT LIFE sort of icon.
Best Friend (DEATH)
Oh, Discworld. |D Evidently there's an animated version of Mort floating around out there, in which Death hires an apprentice, goes on break from being Death, and becomes a short order cook. I haven't the foggiest where the caption came from, but it made it a lulzy icon and I kept it.
J Kitty
ormery was taking requests for kitty versions of characters, so I asked for a kitty!J. She captured the attitude perfectly. Plus, it's cute. |D
English Major
Well, it's true. Don't screw with the Writing and Rhetoric major. X3
*METER'D!* (Heroes)
Man, remember when Heroes was good? This is from the single most epic moment in the Season One finale, in which Nikki rips a parking meter out of the ground and cold clocks Sylar with it. I cheered. A lot.