Oi. Oioioi.

Oct 13, 2006 00:29

So calling tonight was...well...oi.

Generally calling freshman parents gets me some pretty good donations. Not today, no-sir-ee. An insanely slow night tonight.

That, and I ended up calling the parents of five people I know. Only one of those calls wasn't awkward. I called three of my suitemates' parents (all awkward), the parents of one of my guy friends here (not awkward at all, actually. I rather enjoyed it. He has cool parents), and...well...my roomie's parents.

Yup. I called my roommate's mom.

And let me tell you, she is pissed at the Pepperdine scholarship system.

Now, don't get me wrong, she's an awesome lady. I met her during New Student Orientation two months back. I just...well...didn't really have anything to say after the pissedness came out.

I got a total of two donations tonight. Neither of them was from those five calls. I also got a crapload of callbacks. Hopefully those will pan out.

Parent's Weekend starts tomorrow. (Technically it's Family Weekend, but hell, I'm not counting.) I'm probably not going to get any homework done. That means I have until 3:30 tomorrow to finish that psych paper and reading. (I'm thinking all-nighter Sunday...I seriously want to beat Xaldin and am so screwed up right now I might actually procrastinate on my homework once again and do it.)

And I have a midterm in my 8 a.m. Intro to Sociology class tomorrow today. For which I have studied...what, fifteen minutes? I must go do some last-minute studying before crashing.




EDIT: Reading this the morning after, I realize how completely out of it I was last night. I've already beaten Xaldin - it's Xigbar whose blood I'm after. Oi.

parents, job, college

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