Hell in a Handbasket, Baby.

Oct 11, 2006 23:24

So we watched Advent Children today.

Hoooooooo boy.

Whenever I see a movie I've already seen a few times, I can't help but spork it. The fact that I was sitting with a few of my fellow sporkers didn't really help.


Here are the highlights (in no particular order):

Aeris is the planet.
Cloud is Jesus. (I'm going to hell for this one.)
"Mother peed on me!"
"Guess what, bitch! You're adopted!"
Ninja Monkey Skills +1
"Cloud has been officially out-emo'd."
"It's the plague!"
Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz got the rejects out of the Baby Names book.
Every guy's weapon is a phallic symbol. This is why Cloud has so many swords.
"Oedipus Complex? Check."
"Yeah, this is only weird because she's dead."
"I am sitting next to the world's only Yuffie fan."
The entire theater applauded when Vincent came onscreen.
"This hardly seems fair. After all, they only have three people."
Wha...? Loz teleporting? Wait... "Hey Xigbar! Gimme my bike back!"
"I see dead people."
"Now how did they get in that position?" "Uh...seizure?"
"I am badass. Nevermind that I got pwned by a kid with a Keyblade. I'm still badass."
We pointed out every limit break. All eighty bazillion of them.
"Now look how I am defying gravity..."
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water."
"No, see, the last time some guy asked me to come into the water with him..."
Denzel is Roxas.
Reno is not Axel.
I hate fanbrats.
How the hell would I know where the shipping lies? The characters themselves don't even know where the shipping lies!
"That's gonna be a fun family reunion."

...I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember them right now. ^^;

Oh, before I forget! This guy performed at Convocation this morning, and he asked us all to pimp his music. He wants people to do this free download thing.

And his music rocks, so... ^^
(For the five e-mails thing, feel free to send one to me. I really don't care. :D)

music, movie

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