Kind of sad when school is the sane portion of my life

Aug 01, 2009 13:28

I was at work for seven hours last night. I was supposed to be cut first. SOMETHING IS WRONG THERE. ;;; I made a good deal of money and got home at eleven pm. Here's hoping the late return doesn't happen again tonight...knock wood.

Though seventy dollars in a shift ain't bad. |D

I've discovered I like having a constant schedule, which means for some reason that I am looking forward tto school, because at least then I know where I'll be at what time. Having everything up in the air during summer drives me nuts. |D We have family over now, we're having more family over on Sunday, we're having a good amount of guests (which means I'll be giving up my room, argh) in about a week or so, and the latest addition to my schedule is getting my wisdom teeth out this coming Wednesday, so I'll be incoherent and on House drugs (i.e. Vicodin) for a few days after that.

I still have to pick out a novel for Lit Theory. Can I just say I am bitterly disappointed at the lack of analytical criticism on Good Omens? Because that would have been perfect. As it is, now I'm looking at Life of Pi.

...and people wonder why I'm not active in RP. |D

classes, job, family, waitressing, college

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