I have to be in bed in 30 so let's see just how fast I can do this! :D

May 13, 2009 00:28

Maaaaan how long has it been since I've updated this journal. Longer than it should have been, I think.

Cocktail waitress job fell through rather epically, but I went from two shifts to six at OTB, so this is alright. I already gave one of those shifts to my brother, as it was on Monday morning and after what I plan to do Sunday night I did not want any Monday morning obligations.

Sunday is my 21st, by the way. We're going to the Golden Bee. Shall be awesome. :D

My laptop *hopefully* comes in on Monday. We shall see how that goes.

lynxgriffin! tegurunrampant! I HAVE FLIGHT RESERVATIONS.

July 21 arrival LAX @ 2:40 PM
July 27 departure LAX @ 2:05 PM

I know the departure was later than we wanted, but the flight I was originally looking at on Southwest was no longer there. Oops. |D

SPEAKING OF TICKETS. Kia and her parents have some awesome tickets to an upcoming concert at Fiddler's Green. It is not on the twenty-first night of September, but it certainly is an inspiration - possibly the inspiration.

So if you haven't heard me rambling about it like a moron for the past two weeks, guess who we're going to see. XD

Sarah, we need to figure out a song. I am ridiculously indecisive, so what do you want to do? XD

I think anything else I could say at this point would devolve into RP babble, which will definitely run me past my bedtime. I'll save that for later.

job, concert, waitressing, yay, con, eba

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