This of those days

Dec 18, 2008 22:12

My day started much earlier than it really should have. I got a call at 8:45 from my boss:

"How would you like to work today?"
*still groggy* "...I work tonight."
"I know! How would you like to work today?"
*...buh* "Like, lunch shift?"
"Yep! We have two twenty-tops coming in and we need more people on. I can put you in yellow section~"
"...okay, I'll be there."

And thus supraiz!double was go.

...and yes, my manager does say "yep" and I'm fairly certain he tildes sometimes. He's also straight and newly married. I don't get it either sometimes.

The twenty-top went really well, and some guy who wasn't associated with the party paid for the whole tab without them knowing (presumably because they were armed forces/in uniform? IDK but it was an awesome gesture). He left a hefty tip on it. The twenty-top also left tips. My partner and I walked away from that party with $44 apiece from that table alone. First half of the day netted me $65.

But, unfortunately, this wound up being one of those days where the unscheduled first shift was awesome and the scheduled second shift sucked. Mostly it was just one table that made me go ._.;;;;

...this new fajita menu. Honestly.

It was a two-top, and the order pretty much went wrong from the beginning. The guy said - or I heard, at least - that he and his wife wanted to split the "combination fajitas" and that they wanted "all grilled vegetables. Nothing sauteed at all. All grilled."

Now, there is an option on the fajita menu that allows you to order combination fajitas, where you can mix and match two items from a list of choices: steak, chicken, pork, ground beef, shrimp, and - you guessed it - grilled vegetables. A lot of people who want vegetarian fajitas order combo fajitas with both veggie components. It's a common occurrence, and that's what I thought he wanted. That's what I wrote down. That's what I repeated back to him. That's what he verified.

Soooo when they come out, he looks at them, then up at me, and says, "I ordered beef and chicken."

I'll admit I had a moment where I did the deer-in-headlights thing, but I snapped out of it pretty quickly. Owned up to the mistake (because my not hearing him ever say "beef" or "chicken" before this was my mistake, obviously). Offered to get him brand new beef and chicken fajitas with grilled vegetables. Got turned down. Offered again. Got turned down again. What I should have done at this point was get them a side plate with beef and chicken on it for them to add. Unfortunately, I didn't think of that until about three hours after the fact. What I finally did was say, "Okay...well, enjoy!" and go back to the kitchen.

Now, this next part requires a bit of explanation as to what exactly a "flag" is. A flag is a small plate of fajita toppings. Think of it as a threesome. You start with a bed of lettuce. On the far left is the spicy latin lover Pico de Gallo. In the middle is Sour Cream - she's a bitch on her own but mixes well with others. The far right spot tends to alternate between two choices. One is Cheese, Sour Cream's second cousin; he's boring sometimes but pretty stable. He and Sour Cream don't go well together (especially since Sour Cream gets caught in the middle and she hates bottoming - that's why they call her a "topping"), but Pico seems to like him quite a bit. The other choice is Sour Cream's exotic friend Guacamole. She's smooth and spicy and has a rollicking good time with both Pico and Sour Cream. Every once in a while, both Cheese and Guacamole get invited over; unfortunately for Guacamole, she has to wait outside in the blue ramikin while Cheese gets the bed.

The general arrangement changes every once in a while for the most finicky of shippers. Sometimes only Sour Cream and Guacamole share the bed. At times, Sour Cream and Pico are left without a third buddy. At the rarest of times, Cheese lies alone on the bed (and hogs the covers). Every once in a while, though, Pico will be out and Sour Cream, lonely, will invite both Cheese and Guacamole over. In this case, Guacamole takes her normal place and Cheese assumes Pico's spot.

Now that I've created a metaphor that will never leave your mind, let's put it back in context.

So the guy orders cheese, guacamole, no pico. Cheese goes on the left, sour cream in the middle, guacamole on the right, because ramikins are a pain to wash and there's no sense wasting water.

After the whole "I didn't order these fajitas" debacle, I return to check up on my table, because I'm a good waitress and I don't begrudge people their inability to say "beef" or "chicken" while ordering. Nope. The guy asked where his side of guacamole was. I explained it to him, then offered to bring him another one.

"Nope. That's okay."

Ohhhhhhhhkay, back to the kitchen. Got other tables to take care of.

I wound up discounting their fajitas because I felt bad over the miscommunication and they ate what they didn't order (after turning down my offer to replace it BUT OKAY WHATEVER): 50% off. I couldn't comp them completely, since they'd actually eaten the whole meal, but I could do that much.

They paid. And stiffed me.

Cue the lack of surprise.

Amazing how a single two-top can make you just a bit ._. the whole night.

AND. The next time somebody throws away my drink. THERE WILL BE BLOOD. OR AT LEAST HOT SAUCE.

Because the rule is, you don't throw away drinks that somebody has bought and paid for. My Sonic large raspberry limeade easy ice got thrown away today. Twice. I bought two, and they both got trashed. It's only slightly frustrating. |D

...sad that I'm more upset over my dual lack of limeade than my single lack of tip, huh. XD

...though a tip from a $12 tab would probably not have bought a Sonic large raspberry limeade easy ice.

...sad that I'm still upset over either of them. XD


Although, in all honestly, I suppose I shouldn't be complaining at all. Any day where I walk out of work with over $90 in tips should, by rights, be a good day.

argh, job, waitressing, wtf

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