I have a feeling I'll be doing lists for a good long while.

Nov 20, 2008 15:37

Bulleted points, a todo list, and then a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. You know, normal stuff. XD

- So that quiz I didn't study for in hell Religion? Got a D - the exact same numerical grade as a previous quiz, actually. We can see exaaaaactly where my priorities are on that one.

- I picked up Silver finally. He needs a friiiiiiiiend, or at least somebody to keep him from catching hypothermia. After surviving Iblis, freezing to death would be a really lame way to die. *nodnod*

- I talked with my professor yesterday and now I am just gung-ho about this rhetoric paper. She really likes my ideas and she's just as enthusiastic as I am, which is goooooood. I just need to finish reading my research and then I can get rolling. :D

- David Cook's album came out Tuesday, and Amazon had it to me on the day. It's...well, it definitely has some fantastic songs, but to me it was really missing the one good power song. You know, that one song that makes you stand up and go YEEEEEEEEEAYUH! It just didn't have one of those. Give it an 8/10, I think. :3

- I need to start thinking about that Shakespeare paper, huh.

- I don't want to watch that religion movie. That religion movie is three hours long. Do not want.

- I should make cookies tonight. Because. :D



Rhetoric Paper
-Finish reading research
-Go over survey results
-Rough paper outline Barely fits on a 4x6.
-Detailed typed outline/rough draft - this will be turned in
-Works cited
Shakespeare Paper
-Locate additional research
-Read and summarize research
-Formulate thesis and outline
-Write rough draft - this will be turned in
-Fix bibliography
Religion Project
-Skim books - choose two to use
-Read articles
-Read encyclopedia entries
-Watch movies
-Formulate notes - turn into outline
-Type up the freaking brochure thing - form of ancient newspaper?
-Figure out what to do for the material object
-Make said material object
-BS five pages of reflection
-Make it look like it wasn't all done at the last minute
-Retain sanity
History Abstract
Reading Note (1)


-Rosette x2
-Luxord x2
Keep on top of apps
Tag question
Secret Santa x2



Clicky the sparkletext to get there. There are bookmarks, art, and the most fantastic chainmail jewelry I've seen. Srsly. Check it out. It is fantastic.

todo list, friends, homework, classes, rp, project daisychain, paixao, college

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