It's Ranting Time! *Strikes Pose*

Sep 19, 2006 09:41

So I've been rather busy lately. I finally got around to opening KHII, and...well...*heehee*
But I'm not talking about that yet.

I went to go see John Kerry speak in Smothers yesterday. It was...interesting...

In the immortal words of my roomie Liz, Kerry "is a total asshat."

So Pepperdine is a Christian college, right? Well, Kerry decides his speech is going to be about religion and its influences on his life, why it's a good thing, yadda yadda yadda ASOASFETCETCETC. He was actually doing very well for a while. Even I, as a die-hard Bush supporter, found myself agreeing with a few of his points. He seemed to have the whole religion thing down.

All of a sudden - BAM! He verbally sneaks up behind you and thwacks you over the head with the Political Stick. While you sit there wondering WHAT IN SEVEN HELLS IS GOING ON, he resumes his religion speech. Recovering slowly from the unexpected verbal affront, you find yourself beginning to agree with him again and start listening with a new interest. Then - just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water - WHACK! Out comes the Political Stick for another surprise attack.

This happened no less than 6 times. He only spoke for 45 minutes. Jeez.

Then he decided to take questions from the students and faculty onstage. It took him nearly 10 minutes to spit out something even remotely resembling an answer each time, and then he contradicted himself. A lot. One of them asked him about his Pro-Choice voting record, and the basic gist of his response was, "Well, I am a religious man and I do believe in the doctrines of the church, but sometimes you have to sacrifice religion to advance politically."

I already said Pepperdine was a Christian college, right? Right? Why in the name of the Lord Almighty is he saying crap like that here?!

If he runs for president again I'm voting Republican. I don't freaking care who the Republican candidate is, I'm voting Republican.

But that's more than enough about that.

In other news! KHII! Whee!

So in two nights of playing, I've managed to finish both The Pride Lands and Space Paraniods (which was THE MOST ANNOYING LEVEL EVER, I swear). Of course, after the conclusion of Space Paraniods comes the Night of 1000 Heartless...I was just having little joygasms all over the place.

King Mickey shows up? *joygasm*
Leon/Cloud alliance? *joygasm*
Getting to fight alongside most of the FF characters by turn? *joygasm*
Getting to fight Demyx? *JOYGASM*

...although I nearly got my butt handed to me by Demyx. He is one fast little son of a gun...or was, rather.
...why is it that he's so popular? I mean, the guy gets all of five cutscenes. Depending on how long it takes you to fight the battles, he gets...oh, twenty minutes of screen time total? If he's lucky? Why do we all like him so much?
...Boy, if picking up chicks were as easy as a sitar and a mullet, the guys around here would all be musicians with hair length identity crises.
But back to the list:

Watching King Mickey get pissed off and PWN the world? *joygasm* (Because let's face it, Goofy was totally not dead. It's Disney. That stuff doesn't happen.)
Getting to fight ALL 1000 HEARTLESS using some of the coolest reaction commands I've ever seen? *MAJOR JOYGASM*
Axel showing up? *joygasm*
Axel spelling things out (in this case, Xemnas' name)? *JOYGASM*
Axel introducing himself and using his trademark line twice? *multiple JOYGASMs in quick succession*

And then I nearly threw the controller at the TV when Saix showed up and did his happy Let's-Make-Sora-Beg bit. *grumbles* Heartless bastard...
Saix: No, I'm a Nobody bastard. Get it right.
*clobbers Saix*

I was rather impressed with the whole bit. :D :D :D

So that was my happy Sunday.

Last night there was Port Royal again (Zombie Box Don't Touch!) and after that Halloweentown (in which Maleficent wants to destroy Christmas. Which makes a whole lot of sense). Today...well, back to Beast's castle and Captain F*ckin' Xaldin. I still have no idea where that joke comes from.

...I'm totally screwed. Let's face it, I nearly got pwned by Demyx, and the man couldn't freaking fight. How many gamers, all of whom are much more experienced than I, complained about how hard the Xaldin battle is and how often you end up calling King Mickey to save your little black-clad butt?

Like I said, totally freaking screwed. *nervous laughter* Ehehheh... ^^;;;;;

And *then* Liz told me she wanted to start a file on the original game. It took me that long to figure out that, aside from the four hours she's seen me play and my rantings, she doesn't know the first thing about Kingdom Hearts. 
So now she has a file with all of 30 minutes on it, even though she played for an hour last night. She decided she wanted to beat Riku at the race, spent 30 minutes doing the same circuit, and when she finally won ("Yeah! Now the score's 1 to 30!"), she turned it off without saving so the score can be "1 to 0" the next time she plays.
...So my roommate is weird. So am I. Things work well around here. ^^

I've just realized I managed to switch from first to second to third person and RP a little all in the same entry. It's time to go get breakfast, take a shower, and blow up my brain with more KHII before my Harry Potter seminar this afternoon.

Totally looking forward to it. ^^

politics, video games, khii, roommate, obsession

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