This is the Olympic song that you always hear but do not know the words~

Aug 10, 2008 21:46

I've figured out what the Olympics are, guys. They're one huge reality TV event.

Y'all probably want a little explanation after that one. Okay.

It all started with this season of American Idol, of which David Cook was the winner. Now, every year Idol has a songwriting contest, and the winner's song is sung by the winner and becomes their first single. This year, it was a song called The Time of My Life, and David absolutely rocked it.

...yes, I did link the whole winning video. I can't help it. David's cute. *A*


Anyways, The Time of My Life is one of those songs that speaks about achieving one's dreams, and as such it has become incredibly popular. It's been all over the radio, and it was used for a Viennese Waltz on So You Think You Can Dance not three weeks ago.

And then, suddenly, it was everywhere.

So You Think You Can Dance announces its winner? Cue David.

America's Got Talent announces their top twenty? Cue David.

So when I was watching the Olympic opening ceremonies on NBC, I was rather enjoying the entire thing, and I did stay up until the end (because the news was right, the lighting of the torch was just epic), when CBS decided it needed to roll credits (a big thank you to the companies who lent us cameras...?) and show a montage of the highlights of the ceremonies.

You guessed it: cue David.

Eleven o'clock at night and I'm sitting downstairs laughing my ass off, because the Olympics are reality TV.

Which isn't too farfetched, if you think about it: a good bit of what's broadcast to American audiences is prerecorded (for time difference, sure, but prerecorded nonetheless), contestants are scored on their performances in specific tasks and receive prizes for top scores, and there is always plenty of drama to go around.

God bless the Olympic games, and let's hope Fox never gets the chance to broadcast them.

lawl, music, olympics, tv

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