Followup on the reviews and sporkings

Jun 18, 2008 01:49

I received replies to my two reviews:

Maybe you are right about some characters not getting enough attention and spotlight, but I should mention some things.

There are two traditions in my story. The first is I tend to change the history and personality of the characters in my own way, so the fact that some characters look OOC are done on purpose.

Second, breaking the fourth wall has been around in my stories for very long, whether it's serious or not. Sometimes too serious things will cause readers to lost interest, so I always found ways to implement humor into the scene, even if it looks like the wrong time to do so.

I'll try to give the lesser characters a bit of development, but not romance factors because I'm not good at those and not a fan of them. As with the other issues, you'll just have to settle with and get familiar with it because I've been doing stories like that for a long time.


And I might as well remind you that I am not the only one writing stories in this method. I know several other people who are good writers, and they all have the same thing of breaking fourth wall and OOCness, and yet at the same time keeping the story serious.

As well as a pair of PMs:

Also, all my other reviewers enjoy my story, and some of them are very good writers too; if not, better than me. What did they say when they saw my story? They love it.

It doesn't matter what you say; I have my own method of writing stories, and I will stick with to the end.


I just want to say one last thing to you.

If you do not like my way of writing stories such as those OOCness and 4th wall breaking, all I can say is that my stories are not suitable for you. If you're looking for very serious stories where everything is under control, then I'm sorry to say that I'm not a professional at that and it would be better that you finher stories. All my stories will be like this in its current style.

At this point, I gave up.

Having received your replies to my reviews and both of your PMs, I have to say I'm not really surprised; I am, however, disappointed.

You have every right to refuse to consider or even listen to criticism. The rationalization behind your decision not to listen to mine, however, was pretty sad. I understand that you have your own style of writing and that you like the things the way they are. From what you've told me, it seems like things have been "the way they are" for quite some time now. It's rather sad to see a writer with such potential - and believe me, I wouldn't be bothering with any of this if you didn't have potential - allow their writing to stagnate in a corner of because they refused to allow anything to change.

I hope that doesn't happen to you. Best of luck to you with the rest of the fic and with any future stories you plan to write.

Believe it or not, I actually meant all of this. If he'd at least try, then hell yes I'd keep reading and reviewing. As it is, however, I think I'll just sharpen my spork and take notes. Kae, are you up for this?

sporking, video games

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