"And for reasons unexplained to the readers, I think you're hot too"

May 29, 2008 11:02

"And she smiled as their lips met/in a scene we won't forget/'cause it was close to nineteen paragraphs long"

I'm halfway through Twilight, and I'm seriously waiting for this to happen. I'll probably laugh when it does. I might cry soon after, though, just from the sheer DEAR GOD WHY of the whole thing.

But Twilight's a rant for a bit later.

I pretty much spent all of yesterday bushed. I stayed up way too late and got up way too early, but the Air Force Academy graduation was well worth not only sleep deprivation but the freezing off of my rear end. President Bush was the commencement speaker, and he was awesome. He shook hands with every cadet, and he'd pose for pictures with them - one of our cadets got him to do the Heisman Trophy pose with him, and another asked him to shoot a free throw with him. He treated each cadet like a person, not just a number or a rank.

After seeing him do this for the cadets twice in four years - I was at the Academy graduation last time he was here - I can honestly say, and continue to say, I love President Bush. I've seen him go above and beyond his obligation to the service academies, and he treated all these young men and women who are willing to lay down their lives for America like real people, like each one was the most important person in the world to him, and not like they were just pieces on a real-life Stratego board.

Yeah. I love President Bush, and I will continue to support him.

And now for a tonal 180...XD

My internet gave out last night, so I spent several hours trying to stay awake reading Twilight, which I have in PDF form on my computer, and writing my Sonic app for Paixao, with my American Idol playlist playing the whole time. Needless to say, I was feeling slightly loopy.

So I'm halfway through Twilight, and I can actually see why people like these books. The writing's not too terribly bad given the age group it's meant for, and the author has the ability to develop characters.

Well. Some characters, that is. Bella's just beyond hope. We're not quite sure why she's the only one immune to Edward's mind reading (psychic vampires! What will they think of next?) or why she's a terminal klutz or why she's Emo Lite OR why every single guy at school seems to love her-

Wait. Yes we are. She's a Sue. Next, please.

Edward. Oh, man, I actually like Edward, but - here's the caveat - only when he's being a jackass.

"Stay away from me I'm dangerous!" *WOE ANGST MORAL QUANDARY* = Fail.


"I'm going to torment you in all sorts of petty ways because I think it's amusing." *SMIRK SNEER SNICKER* = Win.

Please don't ask me why that works. It just does. Plus, look at the kinds of characters I generally play - I like my snarky little jackasses. I was also sleep deprived at the time, and I totally blame it all on that.

Just like I'm blaming my Sonic muse on sleep deprivation and the Wii. I had to slog through hours of Wiki research to get what I need to play him - I've got the muse but no canonical background. Hooray, early canon version!

I'm also not sending in the application until I can have one of my Sonic Experts look it over. I'm confident, and I do think I've got a good grasp of his character, but it's nice to have the people who know what they're doing make sure I'm Doing It Right.

...I just have a hell of a lot of RP to catch up in general, huh. It'll hopefully happen either tonight or tomorrow, I'm not sure which.

And good times were had by all. Back to finding Sonic icons and giving them funny keywords. :D

rp, books, lawl, paixao, politics

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