I live!

Apr 27, 2008 00:38

Yeah, it's been a while since I've had anything resembling a substantial post on here. Blame life. :D

I made it home okay, as my last post says. Many and large thanks to lynxgriffin for being chauffeur (and I totally owe you gas money).

I ended up flying into Denver, which led to a nice car ride home with Mom. I love her to death, but I've discovered several things:

~She still thinks that anime is bad for me, as was evinced by the line "At least you're not writing that anime stuff anymore" when I told her about my screenplay and my potential absurdist play.

~She thinks fantasy is juvenile - she said as much when I told her about potential novel in the works (fantasy, of course)

~Religion is not a good thing to argue with a faulty memory and without evidence.

~My little brother got a stress fracture in his foot, because he decided to jump off bleachers at a track meet. I've been calling him Gimpy. :D

~My older brother asked me what I wanted for my birthday yesterday. I actually had no answer for him. I think this has been the first year that I haven't immediately come up with something on my DO WANT list. Hell, I'm not sure I even have a DO WANT list at the moment. It's kinda funny.

So that courage I'd been working up to tell her about my LJ and Paixao and Daisychain? Went splat. Social lion; familial wuss.

Speaking of RP, I'm finally caught up. XD On top of that, there was a secret in today's rp_secrets post about Daisychain. THEY LOVE US, GUYS ♥

Well, aside from a job hunt and a deep-cleaning of my room, there's not much going on in life today. I kinda like it like that. :3

...is there somebody who wouldn't mind making a slightly religious animated icon for me? I would be ever so happy.

rp, project daisychain, family, mother

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