To Do and To Done

Apr 21, 2008 14:19

Because I need a list in order to keep my head properly screwed on, and also to show me just how freaking screwed I really am. Yes I know I just did one of these STFU.

- Revise English 215 Paper GLORY HALLELUJAH
- Creative Writing Portfolio, to include:
~ Poem 2 & Reflection
~ Story 1 & Reflection
~ Story 2 & Reflection
~ Story 3 & Reflection
~ Drama Reflection
- Study for Rel 102 test
- Pack my entire freaking room
- Print boarding pass
- Send package home
- This space reserved for Stuff I Forgot

This is my to do list for the next two days. Epic, innit.

Oh, and I got a letter from housing today. I was all excited, hoping maybe I'd gotten news on my status - hey, maybe my housing problems would be solved!

So what's in the envelope?

An off-campus survival guide.

It's three pages long, and it has handy tips for getting and keeping an apartment, such as Keep a Signed Copy of Your Lease and Lock Your Doors. Accompanying it is a letter stating that I'm still on the waiting list (oh grand), it's entirely possible I might not get housing next year (oh joy), and be sure to call them if I have any questions!

You see this here, Housing? You see this? This is my face. Slap it. Go ahead, Housing, slap it good and hard. You obviously haven't done it enough this past month, so go on. Have fun.

I'm going to go work on my assorted papers now.

argh, todo list, finals, college

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