To d-ohjeez ;;;

Feb 05, 2008 13:27

*sigh, lean back in chair*

Okay. Instead of a gigantic rant about how much this weekend sucked (because I did that already) or just some mindless brain-wanderings, I'm going to do a to-do list. Because I have stuff that needs to get to-done.

~ Study for poetry test [tonight] 50 multiple-choice questions. I finished it in fifteen minutes. Here's hoping I did well. :3
~ Hours for writing center and reflective journal [Thursday]
~ Creative Writing reading (chapters 1-3) [Thursday]
~ Journal (5 pages) [Thursday] Not due this week! Hooray! :D
~ Religion reading (Gospel of Luke, both for Friday and catchup) [Friday]
~ Study for Religion quiz [Friday]
~ English 215 exercise [Friday]
~ Final draft English 215 paper [Tuesday]
~ Pergamum paper [Tuesday]
~ Short Story 1 [Tuesday]
~ Meet with academic advisor (or at least call him again)


~ Post Flonne x2
~ Post Rosette
~ Post Envy
~ Post Prinnies (?)
~ Find Luxord thread
~ Find Vexen thread
~ Find Sylar thread
~ Find Death thread
~ Journal entries all around
~ Finalize experiment subjects/reasons
~ Send out application replies

~ Post Rosette
~ Summarize x2

Project Daisychain
~ Sit tight and pray for tomorrow

General Stuff
~ Barring that, get one from Kobe
~ Tax form
~ Order application (?)
~ Make Gallifrey plans with gaelic_bohemian, corrielle, and whoever else is going
~ Make weekend plans with uk_not_ok
~ Sleep

*stares at list* ...There's a reason that last one's in small text. ;;;

todo list, friends, homework, con, classes, rp, project daisychain, paixao, college, unreal

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