Let me preface this with the fact that chat always gets really interesting after midnight.
[00:46] Muffunculus: ??
[00:46] FullArmoredGG: Him and Laharl can make hilarity best friends.
[00:47] MakainoSasayaki: lol
[00:47] FullArmoredGG: "LET'S GO GET OUR WIMMENZ."
[00:47] MakainoSasayaki: Laharl: S-She's not MINE...
[00:47] LeSeptieme: ...the second half of the double date?
[00:47] FullArmoredGG: "BE A MAN. D< "
[00:47] Muffunculus: wait, were abductions decided on?
[00:47] LeSeptieme: we're debating still.
[00:47] FullArmoredGG: Well, Godot will not join the full Resistance. He'll work with one or two people.
[00:48] LeSeptieme: why not?
[00:48] FullArmoredGG: He's a loner and he's got a hero complex.
[00:48] LeSeptieme: right. and coffee will so defeat the org.
[00:48] FullArmoredGG: Not to say he'll oppose the resistance. If he finds stuff out he'll give it to them.
[00:48] LeSeptieme: ...Demyx can probably manipulate it and have it kill him.
[00:49] FullArmoredGG: But don't expect him to go to the meetings.
[00:49] LeSeptieme: Demyx: DANCE COFFEE DANCE
[00:49] Muffunculus: he can get them in a court of lawl
[00:49] FullArmoredGG: Hey, don't underestimate a guy who came back from the dead to pwn people. D:
[00:50] FullArmoredGG: He's just not a team player is all. :D;; Ra ra ra, yay resistance, but let's see what I can do.
[00:50] FullArmoredGG: Oh shit not much. HEY GUYS WAIT HALP ME
[00:50] MakainoSasayaki: That's kinda Laharl XD
[00:50] MakainoSasayaki: s'not realy his style
[00:50] MakainoSasayaki: to quote the battle maniac
[00:50] LeSeptieme: Yeah, but Laharl can back it up with more than bean beverages.
[00:50] MakainoSasayaki: XD
[00:50] FullArmoredGG: Man I wish you guys had played PW3.
[00:50] Muffunculus: *was reminded of a line from a game i KNOW none of you have played*
[00:51] FullArmoredGG: So I could speak freely. XD;
[00:51] Muffunculus: *played PW3!!*
[00:51] Muffunculus: **well playing*
[00:51] FullArmoredGG: All the way thro-
[00:51] FullArmoredGG: Oh. okay, I cannot say then.
[00:51] FullArmoredGG: Be glad you spoke up, I was about to spoil the living hell out of you.
[00:52] FullArmoredGG: But yes. Laharl and Godot... they are more the "blaze of glory" type of guys.
[00:52] FullArmoredGG: The moon rises, casting a shadow across the alleyway-- the glint of steel, the terror on the enemy's faces...
[00:52] FullArmoredGG: The aromatic depths of Godot #45...
[00:52] Muffunculus: the arom-
[00:52] LeSeptieme: The laughter at the coffe cup and the small child they face...
[00:52] LeSeptieme: Then...
[00:52] Muffunculus: *beaten*
[00:52] LeSeptieme: Pwnage ensues.
[00:53] LeSeptieme: ...I have a feeling I've interrupted something.
[00:53] FullArmoredGG: Laharl is a demon guy. D<
[00:53] FullArmoredGG: Laharl can pwn!
[00:53] FullArmoredGG: He can pwn enough for both of them! YEAH.
[00:53] MakainoSasayaki: ^^
[00:53] Muffunculus: *goes back to work on his app*
[00:53] LeSeptieme: Godot: Go get 'em, kid! *sip*
[00:54] FullArmoredGG: "Wait, what do you mean you're useless in a battle?" "Hey now, little guy, I'm a crippled blind guy and I have to take a pill in the morning to be able to walk. |||D b "
[00:54] FullArmoredGG: "THINGS TO TELL ME BEFORE WE ALLY." "But my burning spirit is with you. Now go kick some ass." *siiiip* *theme music*
[00:55] FullArmoredGG: "Oh Mia, thank god I saved you."
[00:55] FullArmoredGG: *Laharl commits capital murder*
Sometimes it's just so much more fun to let GG take over. XDb