Ghost Hunt Caption Game 40 (The last one!)

Oct 28, 2008 18:23

After what has been in my own opinion a totally awesome run, the GHCG is finally coming to an end after 40 entries. Fitting enough the week of Halloween. Thanks to everyone who took part in it whether only once, a few times, several times or every time. Really, Tuesdays were fun since I got to read all the awesome captions. I doubt this will completely die out, Im sure Ill do random ones for special occasions like Val-Day but if anyone want to continue this you can always use any pics I have in my Gallery.

Ok final screens, 2 this time, 1 very Halloween-esque!

Screen 1

Trick or Treat little girl...

cheesey yes...but fitting XD

Screen 2

John: Ill go...remember we're all in this togther!!
Bou-san: Aki's gonna kill Yami for using that in her caption
Ayako: Yep she is.

XD Sorry itll only make sense to Aki, its a Kohl's thing XD

Ok everyone elses turn!

Ja Ne

caption game, ghost hunt

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