I have created a forum for my screencaps. It seems to be easier than using all that html... So I will no longer be posting the links/zips here or at my wordpress blog.
1) Registration is NOW REQUIRED!!!! If you wish to continue to use my caps, you'll have to join. This is a decision that was made between my mod and I. Apologies for any inconveniences.
2) I have opened a discussion board that can be used for general discussions. It doesn't have to be about fandoms. Though I will close them down if there is any foul play.
3) Please do not ask for requests. There is a thread in the General section with the movies/tv shows that I'm planning of capping. If there is something on that list you don't want let me know and I'll cap it last. :)
4) I'll be linking the episodes/movies straight to the thread that I created for easier access from Livejournal.
5) And these rules can change as time goes on...
Other than those, please enjoy yourselves looking at the caps I currently have.