You Got This! XD

Feb 05, 2009 03:03

Oh, Ohayocon, you have come and gone and here I am, sitting up at three in the morning, still not doing my math homework, and updating this instead. But I would much rather still be in Columbus. Because I miss my bro. And I miss Kristi and Rhyan and Fred and K and Jake and Scribe and all the other fun people I met. And I missed Pookie and Caitlyn and Tyler and Clay and Tim. Then there's Caroline and other Tim and Hardcore-Tyfoon and Connyr and T-dubbz aka Tiddly-winkz and Kiwi. And Jae and Adam and Donnell and Kat. I miss Michelle and the kiddies. I miss the con - coming back to reality and responsibility suck. It was a great weekend, though. I think it's kind of interesting that the last three cons, I've been more socializing with people than actually doing much related to the con. Didn't go to panels,didn't buy much of anything, but I did hang out with people that I missed a lot. It's always fun because those people are important to me, and I keep meeting more awesome people that I would love to be great friends with. I love cons. So much fun and stuff.

So yeah, kinda sad it's over, but hopefully I'll see some of those people again soon (hint hint), so it'll be okee. ^^ So, it's been a bit since my last entry. Things have been good. I'm liking the new year so far - it's off to a great start. I just don't want to jinx that. Quick, find me some wood! xD Anyway...I'm really enjoying life right now. I'm tired of all the serious stuff. Just ready to live and deal with what's in front of me. I'm only getting just a little worried, because my bad months are just ahead and well, we all know my track-record with those. *cringe* But yeah, things are good finally and I'm really happy about that. Still need to find a job and figure out what the hell I'm going to do about transfering, it'll work itself out. And there's potential for something that I'm really sort of looking forward to. Unexpected. Not ready for it yet, obviously. But maybe in the coming months... We'll see. =]

I'm super fucking stoked for Spring Break though! It's going to be a good time down in Columbus. Chasing geese, getting drunk, movie marathons, raves, clubs, rolling down (and up) stairs, vodka pong. It's going to be awesome! And I'll get to see everyone too. It'll be so amazing. Arghs! Is it freaking Spring yet? xD

In other news, I wish Eugene would back the heck off. Actually, I wish everyone up here would just back off. Chris, Val, fucking Steve. It's annoying. Eugene has gone through like two girlfriends in the last something months and each time he broke up with them, he was immediately after me again. He just broke up with his most current and now he's trying some weird plan that has something to do with not giving me hugs and stuff when I see him, so I'll notice and obviously want to go out with him? Weird logic. A bit elementary school (picking on someone you like). Doesn't make sense. He needs to stop. Seriously. Not. Interested, Eugene. Kelli has told him this many times; I have mentioned it. Stop. Besides, what he said today bothered me. He called me straight and I was like, excuse me, what? And he was like, okay bi, same thing. No, Eugene. It's not. And then you get all upset when everyone is making fun of your sexuality when you bring it on yourself, you joke about it yourself? I find it a bit hypocritical that people can bash gays, and use that label as synomnyous with "stupid". But then he gets offened when people question him, yet it's okay for him to call me straight when I'm obviously not and he knows it. Does that make sense? I hope it does. It made sense in my head earlier, but I'm not sure I wrote it out correctly. Anyway, slightly peeved about that, but whatever. Over and done with.

Oh, so earlier this week, I missed the 100th episode of House. Which is sad, but I was a bit more worried about my friend Luna who had tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists the night prior. Kelli told me about it Monday, and so we went to have a talk with our friend after my class. I'm not really sure I understand her intentions, but she seems like such a pure person, which is why it really shocked me. I felt really bad. And I'm really touched that she thinks so highly of both Kelli and I as such great friends. She said she's never had people care about her like that, so I'm really glad she opened up so much to us and allowed us to help her. She's better now. I don't know how much better, but she realized how big of a mistake she made and that she was very wrong in trying to do that. I'm just really glad she's okay. I was worried for her.

So, I've joined the prom committee. Lol. GLASA/GLBT is hosting a prom this year in May. A GLBT friendly prom. Because many people never got to take their dates to prom and stuff back in high school and so we're doing something about it. It kinda makes me sad, because it makes me think back on my senior prom and what happened. I wish I could have proudly taken her as my date. As my girlfriend. But I was so terrified of my mother ever finding out. She would have kicked me out for good. So I'm a little sad that I didn't get that chance with her, and now I have it, but we're no longer together. If I could do this my way, I'd ask her to come here for just that one night, just so maybe we could relive prom the way it was supposed to happen two years ago. But that's being selfish, isn't it?

Speaking of, poor Casey is freaking out about "her" future surgery. I think he's going to be fine, and I'm going to help him as much as I can. It's just weird to think about. He has a girlfriend now though. I met her tonight. She was nice, but Casey said she was nervous to meet me because I'm so important to him. I really have to get use to this "him" thing. I think I kinda always knew though, so even though it's a little weird to think about, it's not all that weird. Casey's always been a guy on the inside, it's just time to make the outside match. Obviously not for a while, because there is a lot of pre-reqs to do and stuff, but he's getting there. He'll be much happier once he feels comfortable in his own skin. I'm glad too. After everything he's been through, he deserves some happiness. I just hope his family, his mom, can try and be accepting. She's just now getting over the lesbian thing. FTM is kinda a big deal. =/ He'll be okay though. I'm going to be there for him every step of the way too.

Now then. There is one other issue I need to address briefly. Ryzen.
Show me how to lie
You're getting better all the time
And turning all against one
is an art thats hard to teach

The shit that has come out about him has just been nuts. Seriously. Literally. Whatever. I have never seen someone so good at manipulating people. Smart people. Intellectual people. He has (had) a following of people. It's freaking ridiculous.

Another clever word
sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back into line
a mob jumps to their feet

He has all the signs. Both Kelli and I noticed it before it was even confirmed. Schizo. It's really kind of sad if you think about it. I mean really. I'm totally annoyed at what he's been putting everyone through, but I guess it's not entirely his fault. So there is this sense of sympathy for him. It is sad. Schizophrenia is a terrible disease. I wish he would get some help. I wish I could help him somehow, but I know I have to step back from this one. There's nothing I can do.

Now dance, fucker, dance
man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

He seems fairly normal when you're talking to him face to face. I don't know. I feel bad for him, I do. It's just sad that everyone else has had to go through all this crazy drama with him. Poor Faye. He needs serious help. I hope he finds it.

Also, I miss our world btdubbs. Some important things should be happening, yes? Oh dears. We should get on that. Anyway, it's nearly four am and I really have to do my math. I have a hellish long day of classes tomorrow. I better go, 'cause I'm tried already. Later days.

Edit: I love my bro. He's amazing and we're stuck with each forever, I hope. Miss you! <3

ohayocon, prom, glasa, convention, college, glbt, ftm, house, schizophrenia, 2009

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