Desk, boys, now!

Oct 17, 2005 20:52

I need to wish Happy Birthday to the very sweet regina_sama, I hope you are having a good day despite everything that has happened lately *hugs you*!

Good things that have happened to me lately:

1) Finding out that my ADSL line is now twice as fast for the same monthly fee.

2) genkischuldich posting a link to this, which says that there is going to be an 'adult' Doctor Who spin-off featuring Captain Jack Harkness.

3) fy_sanctuary posting a link to a sock shop online. I'm in love with the long stripy socks ♥!


Btw, keire_ke, I'm sorry the fic is taking so long. Heero and Duo are being stubborn *glares at them, tells them to get back on the desk and start enjoying themselves* lol! I didn't want you to think I had forgotten ^^;!

lj friends, doctor who, torchwood, my fics

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