Oh God, have I really not updated in 2007 yet ^^;;;;?!

Jan 22, 2007 20:56

I have been well and truly poked by my dear katikat for the fact that I have been neglecting my LJ really badly since the New Year! So for a super quick recap on what I have been up to:

The hubby and I invited our parents over for the New Year celebration and a great time was had by all! The fireworks in London were spectacular even on tv!

I watched and adored the two episode finale of Torchwood on New Year's Day.

This is really just a collection of thoughts that I wrote down while I watched these episode for the nth time ^_~!

Episode: Captain Jack Harkness
  • It was lovely hearing Tosh speak Japanese.
  • Did the original Jack hear what our Jack said to George ("You can dance with me if you like?") when Jack cut in on him and Tosh?
  • Our Jack thinking original Jack is hot!
  • Our Jack reiterating that he'll take care of Tosh if they are stuck in the forties.
  • Our Jack rushing after original Jack when his girl says she loves him and them bonding over the fact that they both know the true face of war. (It reminded me of Gundam Wing because the reason that we fangirls are so keen to pair the G-boys together is that they will understand what gives each other nightmares).
  • Our Jack knows that original Jack is coming on to him but he still tries to send him after his girl. I guess he thinks it will be easier on both of them in the long run.
  • Is original Jack wearing mascara?
  • When Jack says there's no-one in his life, it's heartbreaking!
  • Jack and Jack entwining hands, so romantic! When they are disturbed though and our Jack says that they can go somewhere else and original Jack knocks him back, our Jack looks so crestfallen *hugs him*!
  • Ianto and Owen fighting, there are issues going on there! Plus Owen saying Ianto is Jack's part-time shag; we all knew that, Owen!
  • The dance, the two Jacks seem to take turns in giving comfort to each other, it is so sweet! And then there is the kiss - there was a horrible moment when I thought it wasn't going to happen! But it was worth every moment of that angst! Can I just state that I love lip nibbling and our Jack holding original Jack's throat/neck (he does the same with Ianto in the next episode), so sexual ^_^! Then the salute original Jack gives our Jack as he leaves, he is so understanding - I'd be grabbing our Jack and making him stay *lol*!
  • Our Jack's attitude when he gets back to Torchwood, blaming Owen, etc. He really wanted to stay in 1941, I think *bless him*.

    Plot holes?
  • Our Jack says he falsified the original Jack's records to look like he survived, but I thought that Gwen found out that Captain Jack Harkness died in 1941?
  • Tosh calling Jack 'Jack' and not 'James' the whole time, you are not going to tell me that original Jack didn't hear that at some point!

Episode: End of Days
  • Gwen's reaction to Rhys dying ;_;! And Jack's reaction to her pain.
  • The complete mutiny of the Torchwood staff and Jack telling them all home truths that they don't want to hear O.o!
  • Gwen's faith/determination that Jack will come back from the dead after defeating Abaddon.
  • Ianto crying into Jack's coat - very Brokeback!
  • Jack kissing Ianto ^_^!
  • The 'right kind of Doctor' coming to get Jack. I can't wait for their initial confrontation conversation in Doctor Who ^_________^!

Ooh, I have also nearly finished reading the three Torchwood novels. The first one isn't great and is badly edited, but the second is a much better story and the third is shaping up well too ^_^!

The sweetheart that is also known as keire_ke has drawn me a New Year 1x2 doodle accompanied with a drabble ^___________^! You want to see? Okay, I'll share *g*! The post is here.

Oh, and my contract at work has been renewed till April ^_^ so I felt justified in spending the money needed to go to Asylum (the Supernatural and Smallville convention in May) but it's sold out ;_;! It's my own fault because I waited but it's still disappointing, so if you have any friends who suddenly can't go, I'd be interested in buying their ticket off them.

I can't end on a glum note though after so long not updating, so let me tell you what I am currently watching:

  • Stargate SG-1 (Could Cam calling Daniel 'sunshine' be any cuter?)
  • Supernatural (The brotherly love floors me every time *g*!)
  • Ugly Betty (Just started watching this, it has potential...)
  • Prison Break (Ooh, I'm so unspoilt for this, I'm really curious about how the plotline is going to progress this season.)
  • Nip/Tuck (I'm intrigued about Christian venturing into the realm of gay relationships ^_^!)
  • Desperate Housewives (Sucks me in every season, and I'm not sure how or why!)
  • Battlestar Galactica (Okay, so it is more the hubby than me watching this, I don't know why but I find it a bit boring!)
  • 24: Day 6 (Haven't started watching this yet. Again I tend to find it a bit boring ^^;!)

That's it for now ^_^! It's going to take me a while to catch up with what you guys have been up to lately, so please be patient with me.

ETA: Completely forgot to say that the big oak tree in front of our house fell down in the storms last week! We were really lucky that it fell away from our house; unfortunately it destroyed our neighbour's garage and damaged their roof! But no-one was hurt and that is the main thing at the end of the day.

us shows, torchwood, prison break, rl: family, lj friends, fanart, rl: home, stargate, spn

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