He said he'd light me a candel, I told him "Don't waste your match."

Apr 18, 2008 22:25

Look! Look! Everyone look at my pretty banner I made! XD

I got the pics from www.sweetandtalented.com (GOOD SITE FOR PICS!!!!) and the advice from the lovely kynikey! Thank you! You are wonderment!

*is ridiculously giddy* XD

btw, FINALLY am seeing My So Called Life: instant addict
but when it comes to Jared Leto, when am I not?
Jordan Catellano keeps alternating between being really great and a real dick. I guess he has to make up for Alexander, where he's the ONLY person in that movie who isn't an ass hole. Except those two other guys, but they're dead. And who's fault is that? Alexander's. And how could we have avoided this problem? On screen sex with Hephastion.
okay, fine, maybe that wouldn't have solved the problem. But it certainly would have made ME feel better... *pouts*


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