Sep 21, 2013 00:42
*sighs* Why and how? I barely get out of the house, I always cover my throat when I do -- 'cause I'm very sensitive to cold air --, and I'm usually careful.
So why, exactly, did I catch a cold?
I fucking hate it when it happens. X_X
Okay, it's not the end of the world, and I should be thankful I (almost) never catch anything more serious than a common cold every few months, but still... So not fun. For now, I got a sore throat, a runny nose and the beginning of nasal congestion. I sincerely hope I'll avoid the cough this time, as I don't fancy spending weeks getting rid of it, but knowing my luck...
I can easily handle the sore throat; honey candies, warm milk, couple of meds to help sooth it. But the nose... don't have the meds X_X
So need to go to the pharmacy tomorrow and pick up some...
real life