Jan 24, 2005 23:34
I have been thinking about cosplay again. The more i think about it, the more impossible it becomes. I know for a fact I am doing Shuichi (gravitation) this year since i have already bought half the stuff. but i really wanna do Goku and i still can't find the material *cries*. I still really wanna do Albel too because he just has to be the coolest SO3 character there is!( just found otu how to get him equiped back on to my team after you return to the planet) but the construction of the costume is beyond me. I tried to think about how to do it, but alas. Unless i get my hands on a sewing machine i see no help for the future of this cosplay.
It's really odd. if you had have asked me a year ago about doing cosplay at a con i would laugh in your face, now i can't get enough of it. I guess i don't care anymore if it is crap or not.
Anyway, In other news I bought Orphen today. £6 from MVC. it's really fun. I died at the second battle lol. my mom made me turn it off until tomorow but at this rate she'll go to bed and i can stay down here and play on it.
My sis is back down at Uni, trying to make end meet all on her own with no Grunty to comfort her... one the plus side her hair is straight! She is thinking of maybe doing Homura(Saiyuki) this year which would be cool if she could get it done in time. I am really tempted to start work on cosplaying my own character Neko(the purple haired cat seen on most forums i sign up to and occasinaly on here) best thing about cosplaying neko, she doesn't have a set clothing style. I can just design what i want and wear what i want lol it's the perfect excuse to get my mother to buy me new clothes ^.^. But i also want to start work cosplaying my PSO character soon. (yet another Purple haired character designed by me... Kinda a theme going on) I still need to order Saiyuki reload Gunlock. It's the last series (well she says that but knowing Minekura sama she's got something tucked away somwhere) so I need to buy it when i get some spare cash
oh well, I think that about sums up my day
Yami xxx