Whooooooooooooo I am at the final boss on Star ocean till the end of time. I can't wait till i complete the game. There is suppose to be an extra 10 level dungeon afterwards.Plus i'm hoping that I can re-equip Albel to my team anc have all the costume changes. I wonder if it is like the other star ocean games. Star ocean 2(star ocean ex/blue sphere)had about 70 different endings. it depended on who you took in and how your battling skills as to which you got, Is'nt that just cool 70 ways to complete a game. I want to see 70 different endings to star ocean till the end of time as it is the best gaem in the world. I just met a new character in the game called Luthur ( i would't look up about him otherwise you will have major spoilers) anyway he is quite cool.
Okay now I think i'm gonna out a load of star ocean links up
http://starocean.net/http://anime.mikomi.org/series/Star%20Ocean%20EXhttp://fs128.tripod.com/so_area/so2broad.jpg the blue sphere gang
http://members.shaw.ca/hayama/PBGallery/NS/SOCEXPB0801A.jpg ashton is cool
http://www.newnede.com/images.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~pc4y-ktu/taru.jpghttp://www.rpgdreamer.com/star/ Ashton
Star Ocean EX brought to you by
Quizilla Yami xxx