Title/Subject: Moving in Together;
Genre (for fics): Romance/Drama
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: HisokaXTsuzuki
Chapter: Oneshot. Complete.
Spoilers: Minor ones from the anime and manga.
Summary: Tsuzuki wakes up late one day to find that he has a grumpy new roommate, albeit a cute one.
Suddenly, the pieces were coming together and Tsuzuki could only stare at him, amazed. “Wait, Hisoka. Are…Are you moving in with me?”
The empath turned and looked at him with a puzzled frown, as if the other had asked the most absurd question in the world, but then his mouth dipped hesitantly. “Isn’t that what people who love each other do?”
It never ceased to amaze him how hearing Hisoka say the word ‘love’ made him feel. Even now, it caused his heart to race and his stomach to knot up nervously. “Yes, but that’s usually after they’ve dated for a while. We just became a couple a few days ago. “ He gestured wildly, feeling partially uncomfortable that he had to explain this as the more experienced of the two. “I mean, we haven’t even kissed yet.” And because his hands couldn’t seem to keep still, he ran them up his neck, face, and through his disheveled hair. “We’re going out of order don’t you think?”
Hisoka remained looking at him for a moment before slowly getting to his feet. Once he stood, he walked over to Tsuzuki, stopping with only a small space between them. “So you’re saying that if I kiss you then that will put us back in order?” )