Title: Fatherly Authority
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Bleach
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character(s): Ishida Ryuuken and implied Ichigo/Uryuu
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns the characters and concepts of Bleach.
Summary: Ryuuken’s the best dad in the world. At least he tries to be.
Note: A little companion to Run Around.
Ryuuken stopped before the door his son’s reiraku had led him to, scowling and crossing his arms across his chest as he took in the rest of the situation.
His son was in a closed janitor’s closet with the substitute Shinigami boy. And even if Ryuuken hadn’t been able to feel the way their reishi was twinning together, he wasn’t stupid enough to think it was an accidental situation.
Narrowing his eyes, he could feel a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth briefly as an amusing plan formed in his mind. Turning around swiftly on his heel, he leaned against the wall next to the door and rummaged around in his pockets for a pack of his cigarettes and his lighter.
Tapping out a fag, he shoved the pack away in his pockets once more as he tucked the filter end between his lips. Cupping a hand automatically around the end to shield the flame from the lighter, he lit-up and took a long drag as the lighter followed the pack into his clothes.
Blowing the smoke lazily out of his lungs, Ryuuken shifted about to make sure he was both comfortable and intimidating as he watched another pair of teenagers giggling as they passed by. At least he could give his son the credit of finding a room with a lock to use, unlike some of these other kids. He’d already broken up trysts in four separate bathrooms since the party had started.
He fondly remembered the dressing down he’d given all of those children, picking out the better parts to work into the speech he’d be giving Uryuu and the Kurosaki boy. And there *would* be a talking too, Ryuuken promised himself as he heard a particular lengthy moan in his son’s muffled voice. Scowling at the boy’s lack of restraint in a public area, Ryuuken started keeping count of the number of noises he could hear made by his son.
After all, he needed some quantifier to use when determining how many days to ground the boy through training.
-- Fin.