*has a post-stress nervous breakdown*

Nov 03, 2005 10:45

I had a mid-term today spanning from 8-10 am (and why yes, it is two weeks past mid-term, stupid teacher...). I am not a morning person.

So of course, I tried to get to bed early. Note the 'tried'. That didn't work out too well, even though I got off the comp at 11 pm last night. I didn't really get to sleep until after 1:30 am, as my mind kept whirling, and my stomach kept twisting.

And remember how we had daylight savings time only last Saturday? Well, apparently my internal clock still thinks that 6:30 am is 7:30 am. So guess who went to sleep late and woke up early?

Weirdly enough, I feel like I did good. Which from experience with this teacher, means I did really, really bad and should expect a D or E on the test.

Is it really my fault that I have a horid memory when it comes to names? I mean, I *reasoned* every decision I made, even if it was a really flimsy reason... But I know I'm still going to lose points for not referencing known cases.

In summary, I'll be in a corner for a bit, recovering from post-test trauma, which is remarkably like post-war trauma. Leave me good things to recover with?


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