Okay, so... Most of November's comics that I picked up.
First up, the wrap up of War Games:
Catwoman #36, War Games 3.7
Still loving the art here, but I'm still not identifying with Selina's character. The individual story lines were nicely spaced: Catwoman's fight against Zeiss, Black Mask storming the Watchtower, and Batman helping Tarantula's gang to escape arrest.
Batman #633, War Games 3.8
The art here was awesome as well. But as for the writing? I'm... okay, Willingham is, apparently, still learning how to walk in the DC Universe. Because Batman came suddenly out of nowhere with a murder/suicide wish. What the heck is up with that? Also, his Alfred made me cringe. Because my view of Alfred is the passive agressive sort, and Willingham made him into a threatening bully.
Then there's the Steph issue.
I'm not really sure I want to touch on that yet. Because it has all sorts of really deep meaning and history to it.
Batman #634, War Games Epilogue
The art here was good, but some of the panels seemed too shadowed for me to like the style more. I'm sorta sorry for the writer here though, because they were forced to spend an entire issue tying up the end of War Games. But I'm happy that they did, because this left me feeling as if the event had really ended instead of how the last issue left me feeling. When they reach to this point of the TPB, they need to include this issue.
Nightwing #99
The artwork was... I don't know. Lacking, espescially after seeing the quality used in Catwoman and in some of the Batman titles. It fits with the title, surely, and it's definitely better then some of the cartoonish drawing I've seen in Batgirl, but I guess it just doesn't speak to me.
The writing, however... Just all the issues spilling out of everywhere. Dick's conversation with Alfred, Alfred being more in character then Willingham had him in Batman #633 even though he was high-strung and at the end of his rope, Batman's confrontation with Tarantula, and the Bruce and Dick conversation at the very end and how in character it was. I loved it.
Robin #132, War Games Epilogue
Excuse me while I go eat some sort of sweet to feel better.
The art work still isn't making me happy here. It's out of proportion a lot, And while I can shrug some of that off as a perspective issue, it isn't helping. The art would have been a nice compliment to the Batgirl issues of the crossover, if Batgirl hadn't changed artists and gotten a more 'real' feel to it. So nice try, but it sucks.
The story though... Willingham is a perplexing idividual. I liked what was going on right up to the point where Shrike stepped in. Then it started becoming perplexing. Last issue Tim was throwing down multiple costumed villains in a single night, yet this issue he can't even take on one.
Batgirl #58, War Games Epilogue
The art was fantastic after the disappointment of the Robin run and what little I've seen of this run's. The only complaint I had was that Robin's mask was too narrow.
The writing made me happy. Cassandra's line of "Batgirl and Robin, Bludhaven's Dynamic Duo" has possibilities, but it's really annoying that this also suggests that the two monthlies will cross over again. I'd been planning on dropping this monthly along with Legends of the Dark Knight and Catwoman after War Games. (Plus I like the ring of "Nightwing and Robin, Bludhaven's Dynamic Duo" much more. Because the birdboy fics that would result...)
And second, the semi-random issues I picked up:
Gotham Knights #59
I've always liked the art work in this series. There's hardly ever a panel in an issue where I have to stop and reassess my view point of the art to a lower level.
This is the first true non-War Games related Bat Family issue that I've picked up. While I like that aspect of it, I find myself thinking of the issue in a 'so-what?' manner afterwards. Other than the issue showing the weird relationship Batman and Victor have, there's really nothing interesting in the issue other than the artwork.
Superman/Batman #14
Art wise, I loved it. It was much better than the art work that I saw in the only other issue that I have of this line, #7.
As for the writing... Well, if you like AU's, if you like dark AU's, this is a storyline you might want to consider picking up. I just can't stop thinking about how totally screwed up the morals are in this issue. Clark and Bruce are totally brothers in every way but blood, yet their dictators that have no conscience when it comes to killing. If the author manages to explore how Dick, Jason, and Tim's lives had turned out without Bruce's influence in this AU, I may think about following this monthly as well.
Identity Crisis #6
O.O I'm not sure how to say it. Tim Drake fans, the first four pages (especially the fourth) are an absolute necessity to have. As for the artwork in general, everything is absolutely brilliant, though I've always been a bit annoyed at Connor Hawke's portrayal through the entire series.
As for the writing, it broke my brain. Totally, absolutely, broke my brain. It wasn't even just the Tim inspired things that broke it, but everything, especially the Wally/Ollie conversation about Batman.
But the main question I have now is: who wanted to hurt Tim?
Teen Titans #18
I've always loved the art. I'm still supporting it as a number one favorite and plan to buy the TPB even though I have the original issues, just to support it.
I think, however, that the writer forgot about the "Our Worlds at War" crossover because really. Future!Cassie saying Kon doesn't know what war is? Everyone from Young Justice knows what war is. They ended up on freaking Apokolips for crying out loud. They've lived through a war.
However the Kon/Tim OTP is going strong. Gotta love a writer that works with that.
I may never get over Robin!Tim's conversations with Superman!Kon and Batman!Tim. The Flash Museum being an entire city? That just rocked.
And other then The Flash #114-116 that I've still to read, thats a wrap.